
nato a 1943 • pittore, collezionista
Borisov, Ivan S. was born 9 August 1943 in the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk oblast, Ukraine.LAI graduated from Lviv national Academy of arts (ex. LIPPI), years of study 1968-1973.Worked as an artist in ZAO Makeyevka Glassworks.Designed the stained glass Windows and sculptures in many homes of culture and creativity, schools, hospitals, houses of youth and sports.Fully developed,enjoys poetry,Hiking,philosopher and true friend in life,infinitely versatile in creativity.Raised two children and still tenderly loves his spouse.This is a man which can talk endlessly,and Ivan Sergeyevich interesting conversationalist,an opening and knowing the information,it's like the air is filled with people with all sorts of flavors.And so his paintings are filled with a powerful energy and feeling.As for the artist Borisov,it could once and for all establish a protective distance between themselves and the outside"modern world",while maintaining its securely closed,but an endless circle,"the world inside",from any outside intrusions and unwanted outside influences.Interesting and revealing itself to the relationship and interaction of the artist these two principles as"Abstraction"and"Empathy",with the understanding that abstraction is broader than the problem of formal non-objective or figurative art.No stranger to contacts with the art of antiquity and modernity,it still poses an unprecedented type of artist who is able to turn into a painting literally everything that comes to his attention.Speaking of his manner of writing,it should be noted the attention with which the artist belonged to the specifics the chosen motif. Of course, the source material was melted,but nevertheless has always maintained its inner essence.In his art floated a variety of styles and artistic vision.The relationship between the past and the future, between classic and avant-garde was understood and experienced by the artist,creating his own style-"AVANGARDISM".The balance between recognizable and abstract becomes the basis of artistic influence in the artist.The basis of abstract art is precisely the realization of conditionality and the similarity of the depicted image.In an increasingly separation of man from nature,the cultural part of humanity realized one simple thing:any semblance of art is illusory.Like religion,art is dealing with is incomprehensible.However, the"unspeakable subject eh expression"?In this paradox we must look for the causes of this vision of the artist. Borisov is not the artist, who copies what he sees, and he who finds the essence and purpose of what he writes.At the stage of comprehending the meaning of abstract fine art images, first become a sign, a symbol, a reflection of the personality of the author, his ideas and the specifics of the perception of the world.The audience interesting to look into this inner world of the artist,to understand his spiritual foundations.In General,Borisov - artist is in itself ambiguous, it is ambiguous and its operation,in addition,he also engaged in the creation of sculptures.Paintings Borisov imbued with poetry and music,the desire to break down the barriers between different art forms and combine them into an artistic whole, reflecting the complex world of man and nature.Ivan Borisov - painter - monumentalist.It has its own view of the world,which is bright and fully certified in his works.The artist does not want to look modern.The artist's works are philosophical.The artist works in the field of so-called intellectual painting.Being an obedient son to his parents,he diligently graduated from the Lviv Institute of applied and decorative art during the time range when I was still alive and created the legendary creative figures.Artist Borisov creatively approached the creation of his works,he has his own style,his own handwriting,it is clear that the artist displays in his works the inner world,is in the mood,in my opinion,depressed,at least in most works,but this mood also has the right to be transferred.Everything goes,everything passes,but Borisov in his paintings dare to stop time.The moment in his paintings are maximally extended,if not to the threshold of eternity,then at least so that the viewer has time to focus and set yourself a number of issues with the stability of the proposed world filled with the rhythms of order,beauty, and sadness light.As an artist,Borisov takes over seventy with enough experience to stay in our complex and contradictory reality of persistent,tough,impartial in their aesthetic and ideological beliefs that indicate the appearance on the beautiful horizon original and talented artistic personality,with its own style and worldview AVANGARDISM.Paintings Borisov permeated by magnetism concentration and purpose.Technologically highly advanced humanity is something to think about.Just for that,I think the audience should be grateful to communicate with him in good faith conceived paintings.This artist-is a special phenomenon in culture and art. Was one of the companions of Ivan Parkhomenko,whose name is connected with the birth of national art gallery,which then developed into a city Museum.Since 1976, the year I participated in regional and Republican exhibitions.Ivan Borisov is in the field of abstract painting.For hard edges of reality to his audience opens up new worlds in which everyone sees and finds.Restraint of colors gives a special meaning and appeal of the works of the masters.And portraits of his works,in spite of or due to the abstract approach that captured the essence of a person,his emotional state.

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