
Germany • nata a 1988 • pittore

Biografia e informazioni

Christina Yaroslavl – true love lives next door

Name Christina Yaroslavl is a bright example for everyone who has a dream to realize myself in a favorite field.
Young Belarusian withstood the exam of life and stubbornly goes to his goal. Now she combines studies and work, develops its own brand and is optimistic about the future.
How did the great purpose ?
Yaroslavl Christina ruslanivna is a native of the city of Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus). From early childhood she showed interest in the work, attended thematic groups and sections. Especially close to the heart of girls was drawing and choreography.
As a young mother asked Christina what she herself sees in the future. To which she proudly replied that she wanted to be a designer of stylish clothes.
So dream gradually formed the first goal...
First steps to success
For Christine Yaroslavl during school years was rich and varied:
• Your first exam she was still being very young. The entrance exam for art direction (Vitebsk school №25). Not everyone can do it. So it was the first striking success.
• For admission in 5th grade future artist chooses specialized school No. 1, where her studies lasts four years.

This period was arduous and difficult, because Christine needed to be able to learn on two fronts – in the normal art school.
Time and effort lacked. Urgently needed to change tactics. In this situation, the girl came to parents and teachers: Christine strongly encouraged to complete the study, not to give up and not to throw started halfway.

At the end of the 9th grade Christine seriously wants to engage in design, so goes to the technical College on a specialty "design and modeling of clothes".
But that is not haunted by a young and talented person. Diverse contemporary currents in art, new experiences and meet artists creating a new way of her thoughts, which constantly born in mind and go beyond the goal.
One day a young schoolgirl in search of a mentor on their own to come home to Vitebsk artist Arthur Isachenkova and said he wants to be his student.

Yaroslavl was planning to go to the St. Petersburg Academy. The girl really wanted it, but alas, that year the school was taken under the wing of foreign students. Apparently fate was to be Christine on a different path... Received the young artist in Pedagogical UNIVERSITY Vitebsk on art-graphic faculty. And a new gift of fate: Kristina out in the decree, and not after graduation...
In search of himself
Since 2010, the year Christina Yaroslavl live in Germany.
Changing the place of residence, the Belarusian artist is actively looking for themselves, trying to understand their thoughts and desires, to find their calling in life. Craving for designer art fades away, though the girl stubbornly went to this seven long years.
In Christina's life became a turning point. She knows himself in a different role, opening themselves to new horizons:
• Creates an online store, supports its further work;
• Examines and deals with 3D modeling.
Nevertheless, tremulous the girl's soul is still "looking for her". Christina understands that she is not fun...
An unexpected turn
At the end of 2014, the year of Yaroslavl decides to return to painting and to the fact that has long been forgotten. She starts learning, exploring new painting techniques. Here and awaken real feelings, sincere love for art. This love brewing in the girl for years, and to understand it, Christina had to pass a thorny multi-faceted way.
Christina Yaroslavl began studying German Academy of the arts, and today continues training. In addition, young artist:
• develops own brand,
• creates unique paintings to order,
• maintains training beginners;
• conducts workshops online and with departure to the cities of Germany.
This is not the limit. Because today, Kristina Yaroslavsky has found his way, and steadily moving forward.