Alexandrovna Tokareva

Russia • Chelyabinsk • nata a 1969 • pittore
Ordinare opera

Biografia e informazioni

Participated in
- regional, regional, thematic exhibitions, exhibition hall of artists Union, Chelyabinsk
- 1st regional exhibition "Young artists of Ural", Chelyabinsk, may-June 2005
- 2nd international exhibition of watercolor painting in Aquabienniale Petrozavodsk 2006
- International exhibition. STATE EXHIBITION HALL "na Kashirke" FLIGHTS in DREAM and REALITY. Moscow, March 2010
"The center for the Arts Andrei Nekrasov" the international Vanguard-Surrealistic-Esoteric Art Project "Geysers Subconscious-6" August 2010
"Transfiguration" INTERNATIONAL PAINTING COMPETITION, DEDICATED to the 140th ANNIVERSARY SINCE the BIRTH of I. A. BUNIN. Yelets. 20-23 October 2010
- 5-20 March – "SPRING SALON - 2011" - exhibition and creative contest of women artists of Russia. The prize-winner.
- March-April 2013 - Personal exhibition in the Legislative Assembly of Chelyabinsk
- "ART POLE 2014", Chelyabinsk, may 23, 2014
- July -August 2015 Personal exhibition in its "Mirage" on the territory of the city to them. A. S. Pushkin, Chelyabinsk.
3 November to 7 December 2015 festival of contemporary art "landing stage-2015"

- paintings are in private collections in Russia, Germany, London, America

His personal exhibitions were held in Chelyabinsk

gallery "the Stone belt", 2006
gallery "Winter garden" DB "Spiridonov", 2007.
concert hall Prokofiev, 2009.
- Academy of culture and arts, 2010

MoI heroes is metamorfozie of the transformation of people, animals from the real world into the surreal FantASIA.