Ivanovna Nosenko

Ukraine • Odessa • pittore, collezionista

Biografia e informazioni

Art historian, artist, designer

Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department of fine arts of the South Ukrainian national pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Odessa is the school of comparative history of art.
A specialist in modern art of Odessa and Ukraine.

Born in the city of pomichna, Kirovohrad region.
2002 - graduated from South-Ukrainian state pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky (Odessa), art-graphic faculty. Received a master's degree. The teachers of specialty: painting, drawing – Honored artist of Ukraine O. V. Slesinski, O. V. Tokarev, weaving, Z. D. Borisyuk.
2005 - graduated from the graduate school of OGPU named after K. D. Ushinsky. Scientific supervisor – doctor of arts, Professor O. A. Tarasenko.
2006 - defended his thesis "plein air painting in Odessa of the second half of XX – beginning of XXI century".
Member of the National Union of artists of Ukraine
Member of International Association of art critics (AIS)
Associate Professor of the Department of fine arts of the South Ukrainian national pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky
Vice-Dean of the art-graphic faculty of ONPU named after K. D. Ushinsky

The author of over 90 scientific publications on the history and theory of fine and decorative art
Working creatively in the field of painting, graphics, artistic weaving and design.

Constant participant of international, national and regional workshops, symposia and art exhibitions.

Works are in museums and private collections of Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Germany, Holland, Turkey, USA, Japan.