The Evolution of a Look. Edith Pauls-Wignere

Mostra 8 luglio 2021 − 10 marzo 2022
The State Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno presents an exhibition "The Evolution of a Look. Edith Pauls-Wignere.".

Eleven tapestries made in different years and nineteen hand-woven crowns (as the national Latvian female headdress is called) made by Edith Vignere throughout her life arrived to Moscow at the exhibition from the Latvian National Museum of Art in Riga. The exhibition in the halls of the Great Palace includes the spatial composition "Coffee Cantata" (1976), in which the subtle shades of coffee are conveyed by hand-woven canvases and freely hanging yarn; the installation "Traveling Notes" (1974), reminiscent of the setting for a baroque fantasy play; "Trees" (1972), a tapestry with an amazing contrasting pattern resembling tree trunks illuminated by the morning sun.

An interesting feature of Edith's work is that she never makes preparatory "cartons. Her very rough sketches of future works, whether it is a smooth woven tapestry or a volumetric composition, give only a general idea of the conceived composition and the placement of color spots. According to the artist, the final solution is usually shaped by the feelings that the yarn evokes, its structure, color and how it is perceived to the touch. Edith Wignere uses a mixed technique, where the dense weave is interspersed with loosely hanging threads and the pile surface with relief.

Prepared according to the materials of the official website State Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno.

Galleries at the exhibition