Claude Monet: The Illuminated Legacy

Mostra 17 aprile − 17 ottobre 2021
The Boston Museum of Fine Arts holds an exhibition "Claude Monet: The Illuminated Legacy.".

The exhibit includes 25 masterpieces by the artist, selected from the Boston Museum's extraordinary collections of his work as well as selected loans from local private collections.

The exhibition begins by examining the beginning of Monet's career and his interaction with Japanese art by comparing the artist's paintings with prints from the museum's renowned Ukiyo-e collection. The study then expands to examine Monet's paintings alongside those of his predecessor Jean-François Millet (1814-1875) and contemporary Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), artists whose work was enthusiastically received by Bostonians. A generation older, Millais helped pave the way for Impressionism with his depictions of French landscapes and rustic labors, such as "The Sower" (1850), a favorite of Boston and Monet collectors. Monet and Rodin, represented by famous works such as "Eternal Spring" (circa 1881; composed circa 1916-17) and "Psyche" (1899), shared a deep mutual respect, and their art was often shown together, including in Boston in 1905.

Prepared according to the materials of the website Boston Museum of Fine Arts.