Alexander I - the Restorer of Powers

Mostra 8 settembre 2021 − 9 gennaio 2022
Moscow Kremlin Museums present at the State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals an exhibition devoted to Emperor Alexander Iwhose name is inextricably linked with Russia's victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the establishment of a lasting peace on the European continent, as well as with the transformation of the Armory into a unique museum.

In total, the exhibition will feature more than a hundred monuments from the collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, associated with the personality of Alexander I.

Five sections of the exhibition are devoted to various aspects of the life and work of the emperor. The first section tells about the attitude of Empress Catherine II to Alexander, who saw in her grandson a future great ruler. The second section shows monuments related to the foundation of a new museum in the Kremlin. The third section of the exhibition presents the world of everyday life of Alexander I: his desk scribe and camp bed. The fourth section tells about the events of the Patriotic War of 1812, the rescue of the Kremlin treasures and the campaign of the Russian troops abroad. The last section of the exhibition introduces visitors to Emperor Alexander I's dream of a united Europe, where all countries, which regained their independence after the overthrow of Napoleonic domination, would give up war as a means of solving their differences forever.

Prepared according to the materials of the website Moscow Kremlin Museums.

Galleries at the exhibition