The Imp. Demon God - Protector of Egypt

Mostra 20 maggio − 31 ottobre 2021
Karlsberg's new Glyptothek holds an exhibition "The Imp. Demon God - Protector of Egypt.".

Visitors can encounter a small deity named Bes, who acted as a protector against the evil of the world in ancient Egypt. The exhibition takes visitors inside Egyptian homes, where the Imp was an integral part of the home and daily life. When we think of the Egyptian gods, most often it is the sun god Ra, the death god Anubis, or the goddess Isis. But in ancient Egypt another type of deity was much closer to the everyday life of the Egyptians. The most important of these gods was the Imp.

The exhibition is the result of a collaboration between Glyptoteket, the Allard Pearson Museum, Amsterdam, and the August Kestner Museum, Hannover, with additional holdings from the Remer-Peliceus Museum in Hildesheim, the Aberdeen University Museum, and the Egyptian Museum of Leipzig.

Prepared according to the materials of the website Carlsberg's New Glyptotheque.