Magical Realism

Mostra 19 ottobre 2021 − 27 febbraio 2022
The Palazzo Reale Art Museum of the Royal Palace in Milan hosts an exhibition "Magical Realism.".

The exhibition includes original works by Felice Casorati, such as Portrait of Silvana Cenni (1922), and early metaphysical inventions by Giorgio de Chirico, such as Self-Portrait and October Time (1924), as well as works by Carlo Carr with Daughters of Lot (1919) and Gino Severini with his Card Players; all offer an original and entirely Italian "return to the order."

The seven rooms of Palazzo Reale immerse the viewer in a "magical atmosphere": from the semi-darkness of the palace rooms the famous and little-known works by Felice Casorati, Carlo Carr, Giorgio de Chirico, Arturo Martini, Ubaldo Oppi, Cagnaccio di San Pietro, Gino Severini, Mario Cironi, Ferruccio Ferrazzi, Achille Funi and other Italians as well as the Austrian Fritz Silberbauer and the German Franz Radziwill, created between the two world wars, look upon him. In one way or another, all the artists are united by their involvement in a phenomenon called "magical realism. The definition of the style is contradictory and its boundaries are blurred, but the identity is vivid and recognizable.

Prepared according to the materials of the museum site Palazzo Reale, Milan.