Mostra 1 marzo − 26 aprile 2022
The authors, very different in their handwriting, are united by their desire to use their art to hear the silence amidst the storms of the world, to penetrate into otherness through the fabric of existence. Many turn to the heritage of Byzantine art and icon painting.

The participants are well-known St. Petersburg artists Alexei Talashchuk, Vyacheslav Mikhailov, Larissa Astrein, Elena Gritsenko, Vladimir Zagorov, Alexey Smolovik, Michael Tserush.

The time of Great Lent is clear to people who anticipate the spiritual burden of the Quadragesima and the coming celebration of Easter's jubilation. This is especially powerful in the souls of people accustomed to "speculation in color. The specific field of work is not quite important here: as liturgists well remember, long ago, in the penitential Seventh Song of the Great Canon, St. Andrew of Crete compared the work of the psalmist to that of the iconographer; examples are easily multiplied. Rather, it is the inclination toward secret contemplation and attention to the depths of one's own creative subconscious that responds to the faintly audible, yet ultimately determining everything in the world that we see... The new exhibition at GALLERY-AS brought together St. Petersburg artists who cultivate in their life and work attention to such secret but very powerful shifts, who move along the same path and are only concerned with conveying their travel notes on canvas to their viewers.

Contemporary artists no longer need to speak a single language of fine art, but, like the feast of Pentecost, when the apostles spoke in all languages and dialects, in many. Since the times of the Symbolists, the artist has been building his harmonies through intuition, taking into consideration the language of geometry with its curvature, proportionality, coming from architectural proportionality, plasticity - from sculpture... Thus, the term "languages of flame" (descended upon apostles) may be read as "languages of arts" - architecture, mathematics, music..

All of the authors participating in the exhibition have their own different language of otherness.

Outside of motion, outside of dynamics, nothing exists in nature, even immobility is a trace of motion, the verb form is distinguished in everything.
The fundamental values of Byzantine art and its plastic tasks are the mainline of Russian art, and it is no accident that in our time Boris Rauschenbach, the founder and theorist of Russian cosmonautics, built his theories from the space of Byzantine iconography, considering the Euclidean and absolute linearity, not inherent in the world of material phenomena, and the wave dynamics of our universe and all nature matter.

The exhibition is attended by iconic artists from St. Petersburg, who in their work draws on a vision of spiritual origins, seeking to identify the cause - the HAPMATERIAL level of being, to hear the silence amidst the storms of the world.

The exhibition will be held from March 1 to April 26, 2022.
Galleries at the exhibition