On the other side

Mostra 17 − 23 febbraio 2024
From February 17 to 23, the gallery will present Anna Kudryavtseva's solo exhibition "On the Other Side"
Opening night is February 17 at 7:00pm!

The title of the exhibition, "Beyond," emphasizes the contrast between the grandiosity and power of wildlife and the fragility of humans.
The theme of the artist's paintings - original subjects, glorifying the beauty of the North.

These are the majestic northern landscapes and the courageous people and beautiful animals that inhabit this land.
Some animals, the heroes of her paintings, are listed in the Red Book, and the depicted northern landscapes are in far from illusory danger due to the threat of global warming.

The artist through his works encourages to appreciate and protect nature. After all, it becomes an endless source of inspiration for man.

ArtMaison Gallery of Contemporary Art, Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya 35 p 23
Vk - vk.com/artmaisongallery
Telegram - t.me/artmaison

Galleries at the exhibition