The psychology of luck

Mostra 30 marzo − 5 aprile 2024
ArtMaison and project curator Irene Aksyonova invite all connoisseurs of contemporary art to the opening ceremony
personal exhibition of paintings of abstract surrealism - artist Aika Mugnetsyan "PSYCHOLOGY OF Luck".

march 30 at 7 p.m.

The theme of the exhibition will be a combination of abstract and surrealist painting, in which the main part will be portraits, body parts, silhouettes, as well as it will be dedicated to man and the influence of luck on him.
In his works, the artist frees his consciousness from rational connections and reaches a state close to trance, which gives him the opportunity to fully submit to uncontrollable and irrational inner impulses. In this regard, Ike is able to create paintings quickly, without delaying to comprehend what he has done.
The artist has his own individual technique, in which instead of a conventional image, he uses a system of purely formal elements such as plane, color spot, line and abstract configuration, which he describes as "a combination of intuition and luck".
For the artist the main thing in creativity, it is an unexpected result in which fantasy, works before the beginning of the process of creation, and after the intuition is included.
You'll see :
- paintings that excite
- the paintings that are causing the protest
- pictures that make you think
- paintings that say "take me away"!

Curator Irene Aksyonova.

As part of the opening on March 30, guests will be treated to:
- relaxed atmosphere
- exclusive fashion merchandise
- sparkling wine bubbles in glasses
- professional photographers
- special guest Dj Madonna
- live interaction with the artist
- art auction

The exhibition is open to the public from March 30 through April 5, 2024.

Galleries at the exhibition