The Napoleons are around

Mostra 20 settembre − 20 ottobre
«We're all looking at Napoleons ..." © A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin."

on September 20 at 19:00 at the Pushkin Museum (House of the Nakazny Ataman) in Uralsk, Kazakhstan will be held the opening of the solo exhibition "Napoleon's Nearby". The exhibition will last from September 20 to October 20, 2024. During this time everyone will be able to see the paintings, which serve as a kind of echo of the Pushkin era, literally imbued with the spirit of Napoleon I.

The author of the paintings is a contemporary of ours, so the exhibition is presented with an exceptionally modern postmodernist reading, from expressionism to contemp, on historical themes, where the figure of Napoleon I and the members of the Bonaparte family remains the main one.

Alexander Pushkin painted Napoleon I, he was his inspiration, just like Dante. So the artist was inspired by this historical figure in his travels on the island of Corsica, Italy and France. The creators are also linked by distant ties of kinship ...