Russia • Saint Petersburg • nata a 1985 • pittore
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Biografia e informazioni

Opekunova Nadezhda Nadezhda is an artist from St. Petersburg. She was born in the North of our country, but all her childhood lived near the Black Sea, where she began her journey as an artist, attending art school, and individual painting lessons from local teachers. In 2002 she moved to live in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities of St. Petersburg State University ITMO. She received a diploma of Design Hall School of Design in the direction of "Interior Design and Decor". Studied floristics, illustration, took private lessons in painting. Participated in exhibitions since 2019.In 2021 received the Talent prize award at the international online exhibition in Art show Inernational gallery.Paintings are in private collections around the world.In his work Nadezhda relies on intuition and his own perception of the world. In her works one can see an interest in the feminine and a desire to better understand herself within the cultural concept of "woman".