Classifica delle opere

Robert Bateman. A hungry red-breasted merganser masked
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A hungry red-breasted merganser masked
Robert Bateman. Heron on a rock
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Heron on a rock
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. The jockey on the way to the scales
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The jockey on the way to the scales
1900-mo , 38×28 cm
Ilya Sergeevich Glazunov. Inno agli eroi. 1984
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Inno agli eroi. 1984
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Bathers near the sea
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Bathers near the sea
1914, 95×71 cm
Pavel Dmitrievich Korin Russia 1892 - 1967. Ritratto di Renato Guttuso. Museo statale russo, San Pietroburgo
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Ritratto di Renato Guttuso. Museo statale russo, San Pietroburgo
1961, 115×113 cm
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Madame Regain
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Madame Regain
1898, 29.6×24.3 cm
Robert Bateman. Foggy coast
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Foggy coast
Robert Bateman. Heron on a rock
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Heron on a rock
Paul Gauguin. Mill Queen
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Mill Queen
1881, 92.5×73.4 cm
Alexander Ivanovich Savinov. A balcony covered with flowers. Rome.
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A balcony covered with flowers. Rome.
1910-mo , 87×112 cm
Pieter Bruegel The Elder. Caduta di angeli ribelli. Frammento 5. Arcangelo Michele
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Caduta di angeli ribelli. Frammento 5. Arcangelo Michele
1562, 117×162 cm
Elmer Bischoff. Trama 20
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Trama 20
Edgar Degas. Uomo nudo abbozzo
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Uomo nudo abbozzo
1856, 30.7×22.1 cm