Descriptif de la toile «Portrait of the artist's wife, Yulia Pavlovna Makovskaya»
Portrait of Yulia Makovskaya, the second wife and the main Muse of the artist – one of many written by Konstantin Makovsky. According to the memoirs of their son, a well-known art critic Sergei Makovsky, the story of the creation of this portrait in the art Nouveau style is. Mom, wearing a red velvet hood, and his hair the blue ribbon (the color of the stocking), went up to her husband in the shop. But he was keen to work on some painting and dismissed it. Purely feminine, pouting due to the neglect of her husband, Julia sat in the chair, picked up a book and absently began to cut the pages with a special knife of ivory. Makovsky after a time turned and gasped, amazed by the beauty, elegance and mood of the show. Immediately on one of the easels was installed a blank canvas, and in three sessions, the artist painted his favorite model.
A young woman in the portrait of mesmerizing beautifully conveys the somewhat sleepy state of bliss, sensual, but not deliberate, and soft, natural femininity, nice moodiness. Flowing dress, lush ruffles, slightly disheveled hair, half-parted lips, absent-minded look, sleek neck, relaxed hands and feet in elegant shoes with a tapered toe, – there is everything. There is a theory that this portrait was inspired by Ilya Repin
to write my (also young) wife in a similar way.
Other well-known image of Yulia Makovskaya by her husband:
4. Makovsky wrote Julia and
children that was also his favorite models. In fairness, the third wife,
Mary Matutinoand
children by her he also wrote, but critics agree that the main Muse of Konstantin Makovsky was Julia, his second wife.
Author: Alain Esaulova