St. George slaying the dragon

Peter Paul Rubens • Drawings and illustrations, XVII century, 33.7×26.7 cm
About the artwork
Subject and objects: Religious scene
Style of art: Baroque
Technique: Ink, Writing ink
Date of creation: XVII century
Size: 33.7×26.7 cm
Artwork in selections: 3 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
Возведение Креста, триптих, общий вид, сцена слева: Мария и св. Иоанн, Установка креста солдатами
Возведение Креста, триптих, общий вид, сцена слева: Мария и св. Иоанн, Установка креста солдатами
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1630, 34×45 cm
Diana with nymphs before heading to the hunt
Diana with nymphs before heading to the hunt
1615, 215×178 cm
Landscape with a bird-catcher
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The Education Of Marie De Medici
The Education Of Marie De Medici
1622, 394×295 cm
Portrait child with bird
Portrait child with bird
40×49 cm
Angelica and Eremit
Angelica and Eremit
1626, 43×66 cm
Digital copy
Angers world
Angers world
1640, 394×295 cm
The descent from the cross, a General view
The descent from the cross, a General view
Kidnapping Hippodamia
Kidnapping Hippodamia
1637, 26×40 cm
Digital copy
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