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Porträt von Giotto. Detail des Gemäldes "Die fünf Gründer der Florentiner Kunst"
Porträt von Giotto. Detail des Gemäldes "Die fünf Gründer der Florentiner Kunst"
The legend of the communion. Two angel and two demon argue in front of the altar for the body of the repentant
The legend of the communion. Two angel and two demon argue in front of the altar for the body of the repentant
351×43 см
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The legend of the communion. The repentant woman is executed, she prays before her death, and she is an angel
The legend of the communion. The repentant woman is executed, she prays before her death, and she is an angel
351×43 см
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The legend of the communion. A Jewish merchant family burned at the stake
The legend of the communion. A Jewish merchant family burned at the stake
351×43 см
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The legend of the communion. The host perenositsya to Church for secondary consecration
The legend of the communion. The host perenositsya to Church for secondary consecration
351×43 см
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The legend of the communion. When he tries to burn the host, it starts bleeding and cries out to the armed guards who vzla
The legend of the communion. When he tries to burn the host, it starts bleeding and cries out to the armed guards who vzla
351×43 см
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The legend of the communion. The woman exchanges the Jewish merchant of the Eucharist on the dress
The legend of the communion. The woman exchanges the Jewish merchant of the Eucharist on the dress
351×43 см
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Сцены из жизни отшельников
Сцены из жизни отшельников
109×80 см
The crucified Christ, Mary, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist and St. Francis
The crucified Christ, Mary, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist and St. Francis
67×46 см
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St. George slaying the dragon
St. George slaying the dragon
1430-е , 52×90 см
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Three paintings of the battle of Romano for the Medici Palace in Florence. Victory over Bernardino della Ciarda
Three paintings of the battle of Romano for the Medici Palace in Florence. Victory over Bernardino della Ciarda
323×182 см
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Three paintings of the battle of Romano for the Medici Palace in Florence. Joining the fray Micheletto da Cotignola
Three paintings of the battle of Romano for the Medici Palace in Florence. Joining the fray Micheletto da Cotignola
316×180 см
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