

1 360 работ, 191 художник
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121 329 artworks, 10 591 artists
Leonardo da Vinci. The last supper
The last supper
1498, 460×880 cm
Digital copy
Michelangelo Buonarroti. Die Erschaffung Adams
Die Erschaffung Adams
1511, 570×280 cm
Michelangelo Buonarroti. The Prophet Jeremiah
The Prophet Jeremiah
Digital copy
Giotto di Bondone. Lamentation of Christ. Scenes from the life of Christ
Lamentation of Christ. Scenes from the life of Christ
1306, 185×200 cm
Giotto di Bondone. Christus in Gewahrsam nehmen (Der Kuss von Juda). Szenen aus dem Leben Christi
Christus in Gewahrsam nehmen (Der Kuss von Juda). Szenen aus dem Leben Christi
1306, 185×200 cm
Digital copy
Raphael Santi. Pope Gregory the Ninth approves the decrees. The fresco of "Virtue and law". The stanza della senyatura. Fragment
Pope Gregory the Ninth approves the decrees. The fresco of "Virtue and law". The stanza della senyatura. Fragment
1511, 500×660 cm
Giotto di Bondone. The Last Judgment
The Last Judgment
1306, 1000×840 cm
Raphael Santi. The school of Athens. The Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican Museum
The school of Athens. The Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican Museum
1511, 770×500 cm
Digital copy
Michelangelo Buonarroti. Selbstbildnis an der Wand der Sixtinischen Kapelle
Selbstbildnis an der Wand der Sixtinischen Kapelle
Raphael Santi. Ceiling paintings of scenes from the life of David
Ceiling paintings of scenes from the life of David
Diego Maria Rivera. Mann am Scheideweg
Mann am Scheideweg
1934, 160×43 cm
Фра Беато Анджелико. Fragment des Freskos "Die Taten des Antichristen" Madonna di San Brizio (Luca Signorelli und Fra Beato Angelico)
Fragment des Freskos "Die Taten des Antichristen" Madonna di San Brizio (Luca Signorelli und Fra Beato Angelico)
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