
Джотто ди

Италия • 1267−1337
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The Crucifixion
The Crucifixion
1330-th , 39×26 cm
The Crucifixion
The Crucifixion
1330-th , 58×33 cm
Madonna and Child
Madonna and Child
Marriage in Cana. Scenes from the life of Christ. Fragment
Marriage in Cana. Scenes from the life of Christ. Fragment
Digital copy
Death of a knight from Celano. The Legend of St. Francis
Death of a knight from Celano. The Legend of St. Francis
1290-th , 270×230 cm
The Resurrection of Druzan. Scenes from the life of John the Evangelist. Fragment
The Resurrection of Druzan. Scenes from the life of John the Evangelist. Fragment
Lamentation of Christ. Scenes from the life of Christ
Lamentation of Christ. Scenes from the life of Christ
1306, 185×200 cm
Christ on the Cross between Mary and John
Christ on the Cross between Mary and John
1300, 45×44 cm
Digital copy
Murals: Marriage in Cana. Lamentation of Christ. Scenes from the life of Christ
Murals: Marriage in Cana. Lamentation of Christ. Scenes from the life of Christ
Digital copy
The Birth of Christ. Scenes from the life of Christ. Fragment
The Birth of Christ. Scenes from the life of Christ. Fragment
Assumption of the Virgin
Assumption of the Virgin
1315, 75×179 cm
Mother of God receiving the message. Annunciation
Mother of God receiving the message. Annunciation
1306, 150×195 cm
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