He studied at the school. the Institute ing. public services personnel (1937-41), graduated from Leningrad civil engineering Institute (1955). A participant of the war. Since 1945, the restorer, 1951 architect of Leningrad. restoration workshops (about s "Restorer"). The restoration of the palaces and parks of Leningrad. region, the restoration of the Cathedral and bridges over the Fontanka, and others. From 1955 he taught at Leningrad, since 1971 - in the Repin Institute of arts in. Tr. on issues of restoration, including the book. "Restoration of monuments of architecture of Leningrad" (1984-87). The Winner Of The Len. St. (1986).
Born in 1917 in Petrograd. Father Kedrinsky Alexander (1889 rozhd.). Mother Kudrinskaya Alexandra (1898 g. rozhd.). Spouse Kudrinskaya Valentina (1927. born.). Son Kedrinsky Alexander (born 1953).
In 1929, while still a schoolboy, Alexander Kedrinsky began working as a graphic designer in "Linguafolio" and "Lenso". He was a member of the Union "Rabis". In 1934-1935 he studied at the refresher courses of the Leningrad Executive Committee, after which he received the diploma of technician-architect. In 1937 he entered the Leningrad Institute of engineers of communal construction. Simultaneously, he studied at the art studios-workshops from well-known professors of painting of A. R. Eberlinga and S. M. Seidenberg. In 1939-1941 in the Studio of S. M. Seidenberg taught drawing and painting to students of the Academy of arts and Institute of civil engineering.
To graduate from Alexander Institute Kudrinskay failed: the Great Patriotic war. A fourth year student, he voluntarily joined the Red Army and was sent to the Volkhov front in a separate infantry battalion under 283-th infantry division. Fought as an ordinary soldier. In 1943, recalled to the disposal of the staff of the 8th army and was appointed an artist in the army House of culture. A. A. Kedrinsky was one of the organizers and participants of the exhibition of works of artists-veterans of the Volkhov and Leningrad fronts, which were exhibited in Tallinn, the Russian Museum and the Academy of arts in Leningrad.
From October 1945 to 1948 A. A. Kedrinsky worked as an architect-restorer in the workshop of the State inspection on protection of monuments of Leningrad. 've been designing reconstruction projects and directed the restoration of monuments of Leningrad and its suburbs. In the period from 1948 to 1951 he taught at the Leningrad architectural College and Architectural school ? 9, trained specialists for the restoration of the destroyed during the war monuments. In 1955 he graduated from the Leningrad engineering-construction Institute, specialty "engineer-Builder".
In 1951, A. A. Kedrinsky began working as an architect restorer at the Leningrad restoration workshop, which was later renamed the Association "Restorer" and, finally, to the Institute "Lenproektrestavratsia", where Alexander is working to this day for fifty years.
A. A. Kedrinsky - author of the project and scientific Director of the restoration of the palaces and parks of Pushkin (1957). Since 1995 - the chief architect of the State Museum-preserve "Tsarskoye Selo".
In parallel with the main work in the period from 1954 to 1967, A. A. Kedrinsky gave a course of lectures on the principles of restoration of monuments of architecture of the Leningrad civil engineering Institute, and then from 1971 to 1986 at the Institute named after I. E. Repin. He repeatedly presented reports on issues of theory and practice of restoration activities at the international and all-Union congresses of conservators and scientific conferences devoted to these issues.
He has authored over a hundred publications in national and international journals, collections of scientific works of Russian universities. He is one of the authors of the three-volume "History of Russian decorative art" (1962-1965). Book AA Kerenskogo "Chronicle of revival" (1965) dedicated to 20-th anniversary of victory in the great Patriotic war and on the results of the restoration of architectural monuments of Leningrad and its suburbs. Among other major works of A. A. Kerenskogo - book "Restoration of monuments of architecture of Leningrad" (1984-1987) and study guide for the art and construction of universities and colleges "Fundamentals of restoration of architectural monuments" (2000).
A. A. Kedrinsky - winner of the Lenin prize for the restoration of the Palace-Park ensembles of Leningrad (1986), Honored architect of Russia, holder of the order "badge of Honor". He was repeatedly awarded medals ENEA, diplomas of the Ministry of culture. For the restoration of the Great hall of the Catherine Palace and the Palace Park was awarded the 1st prize of the Academy of arts in the contest "For the best work in the field of architecture and art ". He is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of arts, honorary member of the Academy of architecture and construction Sciences, full member of the Academy of "Architectural heritage".