Alexey Alexeevich

Russia • 1908−1989

Born March 1, 1908 in the city of Temnikov, Tambov Province (now Republic of Mordovia). From 1913 to 1922 he lived with his parents in G. Boriso-Glebsky Tambov province, now in Voronezh region.

In 1922, part of his family moved to Elat'ma. In 1926 A. A. Alexander entered Elatomsky unified labor school I and II degree, where he immediately showed his talent for drawing.

Teacher Mariya Vinogradova (graduate of the Moscow Stroganov school) has entrusted him to conduct the art class with the students who wanted to study at night.

In 1927, A. A., Alexander first took part in an art exhibition in Ryazan branch of AHRR, in conjunction with the first provincial exhibition of self-taught artists. Exhibited watercolor "Forester".

In 1930, after graduating from the school he entered the Moscow state College of fine arts. 1905, where he studied with B. Tabor, K. Istomin, N. Romadina, J. Romas and other teachers.

Despite the fact that in 1932 as a result of serious injury of the right eye, he lost some vision, love of art has won this test, and his diploma work "the glass Blowers" on field materials collected by the glass at the Moscow plant them. Kalinina, A. A. Alexander wrote on "excellent".

In the years 1935-1938 he worked at the famous Moscow theater. Evgeny Vakhtangov, where the main artist of the theater Vladimir Fedorovich Ryndinym worked on the design of the play "Princess Turandot", "Much ADO about nothing", etc.

Living in Moscow, every summer he came home to write nature, portraits, and in 1939, A. A. Alexander moved to Elat'ma permanently.

This year he started to work in Elatomsky secondary school teacher of drawing and sketching and continued to work as an artist.

By this time they have written "Asters, illuminated by the sun", "May".

People, nature, history, genre – here is the main range of it topics.

In the prewar period created: "Portrait of a peasant from D. Holopova", "Portrait of wife", "Portrait of the honored teacher M. A. Spirina," painting "the Shelling by the red Army white-revolutionary rebels", landscapes "in D. Nazarovo", "Late autumn", "May", etc.

During the great Patriotic war, he wrote of the work: "For Soviet power", "Meeting children in Moscow and Leningrad in 1941". "Seeing the soldiers at the front, the Great Patriotic war", "the Construction of the tank at the turn on the Oka river in 1941".

In the 50-ies at the regional exhibition were shown the picture of A. A. Alexander "Construction Saborowski HPP". Then Alexei was accepted to the USSR Union of artists.

In 1963 he organized the modern age folk Museum, where it collected a lot of historical materials, artefacts, photographs, books and memories.

In Elatma project A. Alexander built monuments to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Victory of Soviet people over the German fascist invaders and Japanese imperialism in 1941-1945 and the stele to the 600th anniversary of the founding of yelat'ma.

As an artist, he participated in rural, urban, regional and zonal exhibitions.

The Ryazan art Museum acquired paintings by A. A. Alexander: "mushrooms", "a Night in D. Nazarovo", "Construction of anti-tank turn on the Oka river in 1941", "Pioneer sketches". Were also made of the acquisition of the Ryazan regional historical-architectural Museum-reserve: sketch for the painting "mi Kalinin speaks to workers depot Sasovo in 1919" and drawing "the Old Bolshevik M. M. babashev".

A. A. Alexander for many years was the editor of the satirical elatomsky of the wall newspaper "the Window of the crocodile", castigated immoral behavior of the citizens of yelat'ma, from 1975 to 1989 he was a member of a friendly court.

For many years he was a member of the Presidium of the Kasimovskoe branch of all-Russian society of protection of monuments of history and culture and was elected a member of the regional Council of the organization.

The personal exhibition in Ryazan in 1988 A. A. Alexander was written: "Portrait of the honored doctor of the RSFSR ophthalmologist N.M.Kostina", "Portrait of son Michael", "Girl with apples", "Girl lake", "Golden Perry in bloom", "Winter's tale", "After the storm, in a birch grove" painting "With victory returned soldiers."

Until the end of his days Alexey Zubkov remained head, the caretaker and tour guide he created the Museum, led an active creative life.

He died A. A. Alexander 10 Aug 1989. On a marble slab the monument erected on the grave of the artist, carved: the Teacher, before your name let me humbly kneel.

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