Dmitrievich Bazhenov

Russia • 1904−1941

Born June 18 (July 1), 1904, in the village of Podolino vyaznikovskogo district of Vladimir province. Member of the Union of artists of the RSFSR in 1934. Hereditary icon painter. In 1915-1917 he studied at the educational workshops of the Committee of guardianship of Russian iconography. Teachers with I. M. Bakanov and E. I. Flag. In the years 1918-1926 engaged in agriculture. The first student of the Artel of ancient painting (1926). Teacher - I. I. Golikov. A member of the Cooperative since 1928. Died November 12, 1941 at the station Rybinsk on the way to the front. Buried in Rybinsk.

Worked monumental, theatrical-decorative painting (designed productions of the Leningrad puppet theatre "Ruslan and Lyudmila" and "the Tale about priest and his worker Balde" (1937), "Bogatyri" the Moscow chamber theatre (1938), the performances of the Bolshoi theater (1940)), illustrated books, painted porcelain, painted caricatures and friendly cartoons. In the years 1936-1937 participated in the creation of the cartoon "the Tale of the fisherman and the fish". The works of P. D. Bazhenov originality of artistic style. Themes of works: folklore, literature, genre scenes, Red Army, battle. Participated in exhibitions since 1929.

The work of P. D. Bazhenov are in museums: gmpi, timing, Umgeni, PIM, SHAMS, Ivanovo OC, GHMN, State Museum of the history of religion and atheism, the Russian Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12", the State Pushkin Museum (Pushkin town), the State Museum of A. M. Gorky, the Theatre Museum. A. A. Bakhrushin.

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