

Biography and information

Andre Lot (FR. André Lhote; July 5, 1885, Bordeaux, January 25, 1962, Paris) — French sculptor, painter, teacher.

With 12 years he studied wood sculpture and wood carving. In 1898-1904 he studied at the art School in Bordeaux, in 1906 moved to Paris, doing mainly painting.

Originally inspired by the paintings of Gauguin and cézanne, Lot is adjacent to Fauvism — but then, beginning in 1912, he moved to cubism. After a break in artistic activities, caused by army service during the First world war, a Lot has quickly gained considerable weight among the French Cubists. In 1918 he became one of the founders of the magazine "Nouvelle Revue Française", where he published reviews and articles about art until 1940 With the same time starts teaching the Lot: he taught in several art schools of Paris, until in 1922 opened in Montparnasse his own. In later years, the Lot also has taught in other countries, including Egypt and Brazil. In the 1950s he served as President of the International Association of painters, engravers and sculptors to UNESCO.

The lot is home to several significant art books — first of all, theoretical "Treatise on landscape" (FR. Traité du paysage; 1939) and "Treatise on the figure" (FR. Traité de la figure; 1950) and the related "New French artists" (FR. Les peintres français nouveaux; 1926) and "Masterpieces of Egyptian art" (FR. Les Chefs-d ' œuvre de la peinture égyptienne; 1954), and others.