Janovic Brenzen

Russia • 1885−1929

Studied at the Central school of drawing of Baron Stieglitz (1902 – 09), pereriva after the first school year, when he worked as a teacher in Madliena, graduated from the Department of the decorators, and then two years in the Department of painting of glass K. Brencena.

In 1918 – 19, the artist was actively involved in the culture life of Valmiera, worked as a teacher (until 1921), and lectured about art, organized the exhibition, created and led a congregation of artists and writers “Baltā vārna”.

In 1921 E. Brencens moved to Riga, worked as a teacher in an urban elementary school number 38.

Last years the artist spent in Madona and Cesvaine.

In exhibitions he participated since 1918.

E. Brencens was a member of unity of Independent artists (since 1920).

The artist is also one of the founders of Latvian professional theatre design.


1) “Ilustrēts žurnāls” – Rīga, 1926 – Nr. 4.

2) “Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās” Atb. red. A. Vilsons – Riga, 1995 – 1. sēj.

3) J. Siliņš “Latvijas māksla 1915 – 1940” – Stokholma, 1988 – 1. sēj.

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