Nikolayevich Gorsky

Russia • 1854−1943

Biography and information

Student of the Academy of Arts from 1876 to 1881 he Received medals: 1877 - small and large silver; 1879 - small and large silver; 1880 - 2 gold for the program "James learns clothes for his son Joseph, sold by his brothers into Egypt; in 1881 received 1 gold medal for the program "SV. Sergius blesses Dmitry Donskoy in the battle and lets him two monks" and the title of class artist of 1 degree in painting historical. In 1882 he was sent to the pensioner abroad. (Kondakov)

The artist who gained fame as the author of paintings of Russian and Western history. Son of Lieutenant-General Chief of staff N. And. Gorsky. In 1872-1876, he studied at the school of I. M. Pryanishnikov and V. G. Perov. Then continued obuchenie at the Academy of Arts, graduating with the Grand gold medal for the program "SV. George blesses Dmitry Donskoy in the battle with Mamai and lets him two monks" and the title of class artist of 1 degree for historical painting. In 1881-1886 he is a pensioner of the Academy. Visited Germany, Holland, Belgium, Italy, England, France. Taught in MUZHVZ (1891-1918), the Stroganov art and industrial College (1902-1943), Moscow higher technical school (1896-1917), Moscow civil engineering Institute (1930-1943). Participant of exhibitions: "St. Petersburg society of artists" (1893, 1894), "society of artists of historical painting" (1896, 1898), the "Association of South Russian artists" (1913) etc. For the subjects of their works Gorsky was chosen, primarily, entertaining stories, sometimes linked with the dramatic events of Russian history, interpreting them in the academic spirit and manner.

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