Vasilyevich Grigoryev

Russia • 1914−1994

Born in 1914 in the city of Kirzhach of Vladimir region. Lived in Moscow, then in the suburbs. From childhood he loved to draw: copied paintings with postcards, wrote rural landscapes. Before the war traded its picturesque cloths on Tishinsky and the Sukharev market in Moscow. After retirement he dedicated himself fully to painting. Since the late 80-ies he participated in all major exhibitions of naive art. His work has been presented at the International exhibition of naive art "INSITA" in Bratislava (Slovakia). Member of traveling exhibitions of the Museum of naive art: "Pushkin's images in creativity of naive artists of Russia", exhibited in 1999 in nine cities of Russia and in Cannes (France) Palais des festivals. Works are in State Russian house of folk art, the Museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno", Museum of naive art in Moscow, private collections in Russia and abroad.

Born in 1914 in the city of Kirzhach of Vladimir region in a family of teachers. The first painting he bought in 1928 in Kirzhach, and when in the same year, moved in with an aunt in Moscow, began to buy regularly: first, on the famous "Sukharevka" is when I was at the school; then in Kuznetsk, where during the war worked in a munitions factory; after the war, again in Moscow on Preobrazhenskaya market; in the late eighties on the Arbat, where he had arrived from Moscow in the village of Lesnoy. Here he was noticed by artists and collectors. Rumors, that on the Arbat in just 15 rubles to buy luxury "primitive", was quickly spread all over Moscow. His endless "bouquets", "still life", "semki", "night", painted in oil on glued paper, are not annoyed by repetitions, and pleased, as pleased with the findings in Koktebel pebbles new "droplets of light" - Koktebel cornelian, which is good because it is almost the same, being gathered together, Shine suddenly an unexpected rainbow...

In his official life Vasily Grigoriev has been both a designer and a collective farm Chairman and a Director of pioneer camps, and caster... In fact, he was always an artist, although his first solo exhibition was held only in 1994 in the gallery "Dar". In the same year his work was included in gallery the Russian national collection at the Triennale of naive art "of the Insit - 94" in Bratislava.

Free, not-knowing "scientists" rules brush Grigorieva, local color, "neglect" tones and shadows, the infinite variations of a few tens of components of the composition of conditional elements create a wonderful atmosphere with a festive, bright beauty, harmony, and wholeness of the world. It is always joyful, "resonant" paintings can be seen today in museums and offices; they decorate country villas and get along in the artists ' studios; they reproduce in publications on naive art.

Died in 1994, but remained clothed them in the colors of joy, which the artist never tired of sharing with the audience his whole life.

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