Mikhailovna Ermolaeva

Russia • 1920−2004

Biography and information

In WAH in 1948 dismissed at his own request in 1965 by decision of the State Commission ekzamenatsionniy received a Diploma. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter, teacher.

Education: Alatyrskiy art-engraving school (1937-1940); secondary art school at the Academy of fine Arts (1940-1941); the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture.And.E.Repin in the Studio of B. V. Ioganson (1941-1948).

The member of artists Union (since 1961). One of the most talented artists and teachers of the Chuvash Republic. Her life was an example of selfless service to art. Hundreds of disciples of the master with gratitude will remember the image of this bright, selfless, vibrant person. It's hard to say what could have become of Chuvash art, if not for the arrival in Cheboksary at the end of 1940-ies R. Ermolaeva, her husband V. Gurin and their friend E. Bugulova. After finishing his studies at the Academy of arts in Leningrad, interrupted by the war, they eagerly set to work. The jump, which took place in the Chuvash professional fine art was associated with them. These people played a huge role in the fate of most artists of the older and middle generations. V. Ageev, V. Britvin, A. Brundin, N. Karacharskova, A. Mitov, V. Germans, Praski Vitti, R. Fedorov and many others acquired the skill of their efforts and went then in art my own way. With the advent Ermolaeva, Gurin and Bugulova the Cheboksary art College gradually rose among the best educational institutions of Russia. Talented, original artists and bright, extraordinary personalities, and they were wonderful teachers – have created such intense and rich creative atmosphere, which has stirred up the younger generation, eager to plunge into the high world of art... Newly minted teachers introduced the "iron" discipline, which have trained myself in the Academy of arts. However, high demands have scared many students, they felt that it gives results. "Overall, our pedagogical activities based on the principles of the very large demands of students and to themselves. The demands had to be combined so that the pupil fell passionately in love with his profession. Need to teach him to dream that he imaginatively conceived, to give the basic concepts about the depth of the form and its movement. To teach to feel the charm of color harmony and the material world in color interpretation..." – wrote E. Morgulov in his memoirs. Only the skill and sincerity of feeling "deprived of sense, all vulgar and provincial", the exaltation of the Creator. It is the concept of high art, about professionalism they brought into the walls of art school and inspired this young generation of artists. Also fervently they were given creative work. From the first years of stay in Cheboksary artists have become regular participants of the exhibitions, took part in all-Russian exhibitions. Many of the paintings Rosalia Mikhailovna are on permanent display in the Art Museum. I come here every time involuntarily retained in a magnificent, juicy and temperamentally written still life "lilac". Heavy odorous bunches, delivered in a glass vase and scattered on the table, radiating freshness and fragrance of the spring bloom, affect the power of the senses, a delight, which put the artist in this painting. And next — "Fish" and "Sunflowers", the full life of joy and optimism. On canvas — a game of many shades of colors, various brush strokes, the luxury of freely writing. Admiration for things and the ability to convey the beauty of the visible world, all the subtlety and complexity of its color richness are the main force of painting Rosalia Mikhailovna. It created wonderful works in the portrait genre. So, the now famous painting "Unnati", written in 1952, not only was shown in numerous exhibitions, but many times reproduced in books and magazines published in Moscow and Leningrad, and went into the Treasury of Russian art. Images of actress Olga Artem and well-known artist in embroidery of Catherine Ephraim also became classics of Chuvash art. They opened up a clever, deep master psychologist, able to understand and convey the nature of man, his individual and creative expression in the arts. Strong, bright women, immensely gifted talent, not by chance attracted Rosalia M. — and she was. Born and raised on the waters of the Volga (his father was the captain of the ship), graduated with honors from Alatyr art school, then the painting Department of the Academy of arts in Leningrad, raised two sons and artists. The pride of Chuvash art began many of her students. Recent years have been for Rosalia Mikhailovna easy. Departed this life Vasily Stepanovich and the eldest son Vadim, a serious illness confined her to her bed. But there was always her favorite students. Some cared about her every day, others came, came on vacation and holidays, wrote letters and sent photos everywhere, shared experiences, asked for advice and blessings. On holidays and important in her life days, the phone kept ringing, the door was not closed. Everyone understood that to be near such a person – the honor, presented by destiny, felt that her love to their Pets is akin to the gift. Simply wise and her advice were not in vain for us – her students, and her life full of work and inspiration — she was a lesson and example of high service to art. (A. Mordvinov).

  • Learning
  • Teacher
  • Students