Vasilyevich Lebedev

Russia • 1852−1916

Born in a peasant family, Church painter that will certainly impact further on his work. About childhood and adolescence of the future artist is practically unknown. In the early 1870s he enrolled at the Stroganov school. From there, in 1875, moved to the School of painting, sculpture and architecture. Favorite teacher K. V. Lebedev were V. G. Perov. Closest friend and associate was Vladimir Makovsky. A huge role in the development of the artist played a representative of the academic school of painting, E. S. Sorokin. Classes with him Claudius Vasilievich reached high success in the field of graphic arts, became the best painter of the School, and subsequently one of the best draughtsmen of his time, a great book schedule. 70-ies – 80-ies of XIX century is a remarkable period in the history of Russian art, which was marked by the surge of interest in national history and its reflection in

artistic images. Favourite genre Lebedev was historical painting, which allows to show the characters using colorful ancient costumes and features of the environment. Following the path begun by V. G. Schwartz, first by copying and reproducing Antiques and costumes of the epoch of the XVI-XVII centuries, the artist gradually came to create in the years of study of the painting "the Young nobleman at the table" (1880). And for the painting "boyaryshnya's Exit from the Church" received a large silver medal. Working on the historical genre, klavdi Vasilyevich paint on certain historical events and figures of Russian history. In the painting "the Death of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich" awarded him the title of academician (1897). In the beginning of XX

century, a cycle of paintings dedicated to the Petrine era: "Prince Peter A. Zotov and clerk" (1903), "Farewell Queen N. To. Naryshkina brother Ivan before issuing it to the archers" (1908), "Peter the great in Saardam" (1908). Historical works of K. V. Lebedev was lithographed and published as an album in 1911 As a member of the Association of traveling exhibitions, Claudius V. to elect the subjects of his paintings are not spared the genre. Creating modest by design,

formal techniques genre scenes, he was able to achieve a broad generalization.

These are the paintings "the son" (1894), "At home" (1897), "something happened", "In the Church", "Painter", etc. the Main business of his life was the painting of the ascension Cathedral in Elets, built by design of K. A. ton. (Project

the Cathedral was approved in 1844, construction began in 1845, 1877

plastering has begun, and then painting the walls, which ended in 1887 to

g). In Yelets ascension Cathedral, built by architect A. S. Kaminsky in the project of K. A. Thon, only the temple part, there are more than 220 wall

murals, paintings, icon-painting works, most of which are owned of outstanding artists, the Wanderers, A. I. Korzukhin and K. V. Lebedev. Upper dome, the sails of wall paintings on the iconostasis top row of icons in the iconostasis and the Central image – "the Crucifixion of Christ" belong

painted by academician of painting of Alexei Ivanovich Korzukhin. The remaining wall paintings and the icons of the iconostasis are made by K. V. Lebedev. With ascension Cathedral associated six years of work. Lebedev filled the two lower tiers of Central, wrote the icons for the left and right of the iconostasis, painted the walls and pillars of the temple of the Cathedral. Thirty-five thousand rubles, produced by the artist for their work, ensured the financial independence of the artist.

A continuation of the work on the painting Yelets Cathedral can be called an appeal to illustrating Biblical books. The picturesque reflection of the old Testament and new Testament history led to the creation of the cycle of illustrations, alliteration and published in the beginning of XX century

In the 80s, the artist began to work seriously on illustrating books. Among

the first known work - illustrations for some stories of "Notes

the hunter" Turgenev, made in 1883-1884 he executed with great

skill and deep understanding of the poetic prose of Turgenev this series

drawings became so interesting to the reading public that in 1884 she

was published in a separate album cover is very interesting designed Lebedev himself. Until today, illustrations by K. V. Lebedev to the "Notes of the hunter" remains the best and unsurpassed in technique and execution, and deep understanding of the images created by I. S. Turgenev.

Well known luxury edition N. And. Kutepova "Grand-Ducal, Tsarist and

Imperial hunting in Russia". The paintings for this book was written by I. E. Repin, V.

Serov, A. Ryabushkin and V. K. Lebedev. The second volume of the book - "Royal hunt" -

opened with a frontispiece by C. V. Lebedev: "Departure of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich on falconry from the Spassky gate in Moscow".

Deep knowledge of Russian history and a good knowledge of book traditions of Ancient Russia allowed K. V. Lebedev talent to illustrate a number of historical works of the famous Russian writer P. N. Field: this is "God's Elect",

"Echoes of antiquity", "Historical stories and novels", a retelling of the Novgorod bylinas, etc.

In the late 90-ies he illustrates and prepares historical works

Public library, A. D. Stupin. The best work in the field of book design, using their knowledge of the history of ornamentation of ancient manuscripts and early printed books were made by K. V. Lebedev in the beginning of the XX century for two publishers: Marx and devrien.

In the 90-ies of the XIX century by K. V. Lebedev became a teacher, first in Moscow

school of painting, sculpture and architecture, then in the Higher art school at Academy of arts (St. Petersburg). From 1896 to 1898. he was Professor of natural class of Higher Art school at the Academy. Since 1906 Lebedev – member of the Academy of arts.

Died Claudius Vasilievich Lebedev, on 21 September 1916. Unfinished left his

the painting "Ivan the terrible".

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