Fedorovich Zherdzitsky

Ukraine • born in 1928

Painter. The honored worker of arts of Ukraine (since 1993). B. 19 Oct 1928, p. Horlick Rostov region the participant of the great Patriotic war. Graduated from KhSAI (1947-54), where he studied with A. Coquelles, S. Prokhorova, H. Tomenko, S. Besedin. A member HO CFS in 1958. Participant of exhibitions since 1954, Republican, all-Union, international and foreign since 1956. Personal exhibitions: Kharkiv - 1980 (two exhibitions), 1994; Hünfeld (Germany) - 1991, 1994; Mothersill (Germany) - 1993; Kleinsassen (Germany) - 1996,1997. Worked in hhpi, head. Department, Professor (since 1992). Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

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