Vladimirovich Kaplun

Russia • 1887−1974

In 1905-1906 she studied at the Stroganov school, then at the School of Baron Stieglitz V. V. mate, V. E. Savinsky (1906-1912). Continued studies in Paris (1913-1915). A member of the "Community of artists" in Leningrad (1922-1923).

Solo exhibitions were held in Bukhara, Samarkand, Leningrad, Kiev, Prague and other cities. Works of the artist are in the Tretyakov gallery, the Russian Museum, the Pushkin Museum, in many regional museums.

(27.08.1887, Perm - 25.04.1974, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg)). Graphic artist, painter, teacher. He studied at the Perm. technical school (1902-1905), in the drawing school A. Shanin, S. (graduate of the St. Petersburg Academy of arts, founded in Perm the first school of drawing and painting), at the Stroganov Central school of industrial art (1905-1906), graduated from the Central school of technical drawing of Baron Stieglitz (1906-1912) at the workshop of etching. Teacher - V. E. Savinsky (painting), M. A. Chizhov (sculpture), V. V. mate (engraving). He continued his education as stipendiate abroad: he worked in the studios of Munich, France and Italy (1913-1914).

Participant of exhibitions (from 1910), member and Exhibitor Association "World of art", "Four arts". In 1915 he returned to Perm. Engaged in teaching activities: in charge of school Nar. art in Perm. University, taught drawing and painting at the University for women in army art Studio. In 1919-1922, he was Professor of the Higher state art-industrial workshops converted to Perm. an art College. He studied N. V. Kashin, V. Kobelev, I. A. Korotkov, V. I. Kurdov, V. M. Oreshnikov, V. D. Zellmer. In the city of Perm was done graphic work: "May. Perm yard" (1915), "Kame" (1928), which are in the collections of Perm. the state art gallery. Since 1922 he lived and worked in Leningrad. Collaborated with Sib. "Red panorama", "Krasnaya Niva" (1923). Designed and illustrated books for publishers: "Surf", State publishing house of fiction, "Book", "Kirya", "Rudiments of knowledge", Litizdat, "Thought". Art ed Sogesa (1930s). He studied drawing, monotype, lithography, etching, woodcut, linocut. He painted landscapes in watercolor and oil. Associated with the artistic traditions of the Leningrad school of graphics, artists circle "World of art". Creativity is inherent in love of plastic form, design, beauty of color and texture, restraint in expression of feelings. The impressions from journeys released albums of lithographs – "Georgia", "Krym", "Bukhara" (1920-1930s). During the war he lived in the besieged Leningrad, painted posters, worked in the military. Created a series of lithographs dedicated to the destruction of the suburbs of Leningrad – "Peterhof. Pushkin. Pavlovsk" (1944). In 1950-1960-ies has made numerous trips around the country and abroad, has created a series of graphic works.

Participant of exhibitions in Perm, Moscow, Leningrad and foreign.

Solo exhibitions: Leningrad (1937, 1938, 1947, 1972), Perm (1960).

(Author: I. P. Fedotov)

Lit.: Graphics. The Leningrad artists. Moscow; Leningrad, 1928. S. 220, 222;

Exhibition of graphic works by Leningrad artists: [catalogue with explanatory text] / [introd. text V. Kondakov]. Perm: Star, 1929. 28 p.: ill.;

Crimea: collection of lithographs by A. B. Kaplun / introd. article N. E. Radlov. L., 1931;

Artist A. V. Kaplun: an exhibition in the foyer of the cinema "Titan". L., 1937;

Exhibition of lithographs, watercolors Adrian Capon. L.: Academy of fine arts, 1946-1947;

Graphics. Artists of Leningrad: [Review of the 30th anniversary of the great October Socialist revolution] / [I. A. Brodsky]. M., L.: Art, 1947. 228 p.: ill.;

Capon Adrian Vladimirovich // Silver N. N. The Urals in the visual arts. Perm, 1959. S. 119-120;

Adrian Kaplun: booklet. Perm, 1960;

Adrian Kaplun: cat. [exhibition]. Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1972. 13 p., 12 l. Il.;

Russian original graphics 1920-1930-ies: Directory / introd. article: N. N. Novopashina; scientific. N. V. Kazarinova; photo by A. M. Bobrov. Perm: Star, 2002. 220 p.: Il.

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