He studied at the Moscow School of painting, sculpture and architecture in E. A. Vasilieva (1851-1856), then at the Imperial Academy of arts under P. V. basin and A. T. Markov (1858-1863). In 1868 he received the title of artist of the first degree in 1875 - the title of academician, since 1893 - member of IAH. Member of the "rebellion of 14". Founding member of the Association of traveling art exhibitions. Keeper of the art Department of the Russian Museum of Emperor Alexander III (1897-1909). Participated in exhibitions of IAH and the society.
At first he studied at the Moscow school of painting and sculpture, in 1858, was engaged in St. Petersburg. Academy of fine arts. Received medals: in 1859 - 2 silver; in 1861, 1 and 2 silver; in 1862 - 1 silver; in 1863 - 2 gold for the program "Moses exudes water from a stone"; at the same time the title of artist of 2 degrees. Left the Academy, abandoning the execution of the program 1 gold medal, along with the other 13 competitors. In 1865, received a certificate for teaching drawing in higher education. Becoming a member of the art cooperative, Lemokh introduced in 1868 the Academy a picture of "Family mountain", for which he received the title of artist 1st degree. He received the title of academician in 1875, seven new exhibited them at the Academy of paintings. Since 1878 he has been a member of the Association of traveling exhibitions. Lemokh reenacting scenes from Russian peasant life, which are almost always present kids; picture of children's world with its sorrow and joys is his main specialty and in this respect it is a success, although in the stories he sometimes repeats itself, especially lately. Painting Lemoha finished, the color is not brilliant, but true; his paintings are always of small dimensions. Of them we call: "stranger" (in the Tretyakov gallery), "orphans" (1879), "the Peasant girl" (1882), "Children" (1881). Lemokh also writes portraits of a small figure in the growth. {Brockhaus}
Since 1893 - member of the Academy of fine Arts; in 1894 was elected a member of the Household. Committee of the Academy of Arts; in 1895 was elected a member of the Board AH for 5 years. From 1897 to 1909 he was a Keeper of the art Department of the Russian Museum.
Genesung.1889Kirill (Karl) Vikentievich Lemoh zur Sammlung
Motherhood. Breast-feeding
Elterliche FreudeKirill (Karl) Vikentievich Lemoh zur Sammlung
Russian paintings