1883. Born in Novocherkask, in the family mining engineer.
1883-1897. Lives in Kiev, Kharkov.
1898. Arrives in Moscow.
1902-1906. Studies at the Moscow University, first in physics and mathematics, and then law school.
Took an active part in the revolution of 1905 barricades on Malaya Bronnaya.
1906. He worked in the underground press.
1909. The first cartoon in the magazine "the Clock" under the pseudonym Dor.
1909-1917. Make posters, drawings and cartoons for magazines "Service" and newspaper "Russian word", "Morning of Russia".
1912. Together with a group of young artists and writers (Poor Damian) tried to establish a magazine "Bagpipes", but of the four rooms none has been passed by the censor.
Supported the revolution of 1917.
1918. Collaborates in the publishing house of the Central Executive Committee. Painted agitation trains. Makes a festive decoration of the building of the Historical Museum for the holiday 1 May.
Participated in the design of the first campaign train.
1919. Cartoons printed in the newspaper "Izvestia", magazine "Soldier".
1919-1920. Creates posters for the political Directorate of the revolutionary military Council.
1919-1921. Works in the "Window satire GROWTH".
Since 1920 political cartoons and drawings are published in the newspaper "Pravda".
1922-1932. Professor of VHUTEMAS-higher art and technical Institute, the Moscow Institute of fine arts .
1923-1928. Art Director of the magazine "Atheist" - "Atheist at the machine" (1924).
1931. Was elected Chairman of the poster section of the State Academy of arts and playnoy section Massha.
1931. Edinoglasno was elected Chairman of ORC.
1931. He was elected Deputy of the Moscow city Council
1932. Awarded the title "Honored art worker".
1932-1941. Works in publishing "Izogiz".
1933. Performs stained glass window for "work Museum, Moscow".
Since 1939 a Professor at the Moscow Institute of fine arts.
1941. Makes posters for "Window TASS".
1941-1943. Lives in Samarkand. Continuing to work on posters, anti-war drawings, illustrations.
1946. He died in Moscow.
(22.X.(3.XI).1883, Novocherkassk — 24.X.1946, Moscow) — graphic satirist. M. studied at the Mosk. University, cooperated in the pre-revolutionary. satiric. journals. His mastery of the poster artist and the cartoonist was formed in the collective vol. "Windows of Growth" in the graph center. print. Often M. submitted to Rus. Nar. the pictures with their lurid decorative and satiric. text. Some posters M. was accompanied by the poems of Demyan Bedny. With con. The 1920s and 1930s M. acted with a book Fig. (to the "Dispute" Heinrich Heine, to the tale of "Neighbors" M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, to the novel "fire" barbyusa). In the years of Led. Otech. M. war re-creates posters prints (eg. "The story of an old woman" with lyrics: M. Isakovsky). A special place in the works of M. belongs to the easel. To this genre belongs the middle. drawings to S. They are made on paper with ink and gold pen and brush; this leaves large format, stretched on stretchers. All features built on the contrast ratio of black and white, sharp dynamics, gestures, silhouettes, and military. fittings. This is not a book ill., a decorative panel is a kind of "wall sheets". The selection of non-traditional subjects: along with the usual ("Igor is going to March," "the Capture of Igor", "Plach yaroslavny"), the artist depicted scenes: "Putivl. Parting, And my ti-Smoking", "Brave Russians...", "Lament of the mother of Rostislav", etc. Unusual that the princes Igor and Vsevolod, the artist has not given outer beauty. In the scene of the capture of Igor face contorted grimace of pain. Among the soldiers of many old men, the image of the battlefield the terrible grin of the dead, scary and wolves. This image is the horror of war. But when Igor on a white horse is going to Borichev, the action takes place not in black or white and gold background, on which stand a domed Church, slides, wooden tower, the virgin Orans. The artist resorts to symbols (broken sword, a soaring eagle, two suns, etc.) and at the same time retreats from ist. authenticity, giving the characters-riders, the boards, heraldic. figures, Eastern. the patterns of the garments, boots high heels. Not all images are equal, they are different scales, but obviously the desire graphics to get into the heroic and poetic. world S. and to Express it in their own way.
Play: "Prince Igor" // Sov. encyclopedia. 2-e Izd. Moscow, 1956. Vol. 39, incl. between pp. 356-357; Pini. Word. S. 100-101 ("Igor Svyatoslavich", "Battle", "Vsevolod Svyatoslavich in battle", "the Return of Igor"); M. Ioffe, Dmitry Stakhievich moor: 1883-1946. M.; Leningrad, 1948 ("the Battle" and "Lament of the mother of Rostislav" to on. between p. 36-37); "Yaroslavna" and "Igor" — a set of 12 postcards "the Word about Igor's regiment" (Moscow: Sov. the artist, 1961).
Lit.: Kaufman R. D. Moore. M., 1937; M. Ioffe, Dmitry Stakhievich Moor: 1883-1946. M.; L., 1948.
Bulakhov. Encyclopedia.
O. A. Belobrova
Soviet poster
Hand, deserter. You're a destroyer of the worker-peasant state as me, the capitalist!.. Just for you now my hopeDmitry Stakhievich Moore (Orlov) to the collection
Soviet poster
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