Stakhievich Moore (Orlov)

Russia • 1883−1946
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Everything in "G"
Everything in "G"
1941, 70×51 cm
Freedom for the prisoners, Scottsboro! Rip out the 8 young Negroes from the clutches of the executioners!
Freedom for the prisoners, Scottsboro! Rip out the 8 young Negroes from the clutches of the executioners!
1932, 104×73 cm
Expose the anti-Soviet plans of the capitalists and the Church. Long live world proletarian revolution!
Expose the anti-Soviet plans of the capitalists and the Church. Long live world proletarian revolution!
1932, 69×101 cm
Long live the 1st of May. USSR - the road to communism is straight
Long live the 1st of May. USSR - the road to communism is straight
Black ravens are preparing a predatory RAID on the Soviet Union. Proletarian be on the alert!
Black ravens are preparing a predatory RAID on the Soviet Union. Proletarian be on the alert!
1930, 106×63 cm
The subscription to 1925 (third year) on a monthly anti-religious satirical magazine in paints "Atheist at the machine"
The subscription to 1925 (third year) on a monthly anti-religious satirical magazine in paints "Atheist at the machine"
1924, 71×48 cm
Atheist : Journal MRCP (Bolsheviks) : the kings of the earth was taken care of, are accepted in heaven
Atheist : Journal MRCP (Bolsheviks) : the kings of the earth was taken care of, are accepted in heaven
1923, 96×71 cm
The hunger spider is choking the peasantry of Russia. Gold churches must go to the rescue of starving from death
The hunger spider is choking the peasantry of Russia. Gold churches must go to the rescue of starving from death
1922, 93×63 cm
For penny with the peasantry gathered churches decoration — silver and gold. What are you a black mill? Everyone should give the peasants dying of hunger
For penny with the peasantry gathered churches decoration — silver and gold. What are you a black mill? Everyone should give the peasants dying of hunger
1922, 105×7 cm
The battle over the path of blood, the peace will be this year ...
The battle over the path of blood, the peace will be this year ...
1921, 35×105 cm
1921, 106×71 cm
1. maj - Vseslovenski subbotnik!
1. maj - Vseslovenski subbotnik!
1920-th , 70×49 cm
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Dmitry Stakhievich Moore (Orlov). The red soldier at the front without shoes and clothes. Open chests, give what you can your defender. He will not stand — you will die. To help the red army!
Dmitry Stakhievich Moore (Orlov). Damn doll
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