Mikhailovich Kondratev

Russia • 1902−1985

Biography and information

In another source date of birth: 1902-11-19. Painter. A certificate of completion issued by the CVC on the basis of the qualification Commission, who reviewed provided sketches and studies recent stage 4 of the course on skill.

He studied at the higher art school in Leningrad (1921-1925) in A. I.

Savinova M. V. Matyushin. Member of the group "masters of analytical

arts", student of L. N. Filonov. Designed mass festival, worked in

the publishing houses. Worked in the children's sector and the state publishing house Detgiz. In

specifically, the author covers and drawings in the book by A. V. Razumovsky "Biberman"

(Moscow-Leningrad, 1933). A close relationship with Kharms Kondratyev allowed him

give the name of the artist characters of his works: "One day Mr.

Kondratyev / were in the U.S. scales for dresses" (III, 50). "Here

Camelback runs,/ holding on the stick a bunch of thoughts/ him Kondratiev

runs,/ lips issued a strange sound" (the sign with the eyes -- III, 70) and

. Cm. about him: an Invitation to meet with P. M. Kondratyev. Directory. VST.

the article by S. Laskin. L., 1981.

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

  • Artistic associations
  • Learning
  • Teacher