Alexandrovich Lavrenov

Russia • born in 1939

Born in the village prechistoye Smolensk region.

1957 Graduated from the Smolensk state pedagogical Institute. Karl Marx, art-graphic faculty.

1965-1968 Teacher of drawing railway high school No. 5, Balti Moldavian SSR.

1967 Member of artists Union of USSR (since 1991 - member of Union of artists of Russia).

1970 Awarded the medal "For valiant labor" to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth.

1980 Moved to Smolensk

1980-1983 Chief artist of CAM Smolensk Vladimir Popov of the Russian Federation.

1982-1984 Elected to the Board of the Smolensk organization of the Union of artists of the RSFSR.

1985-1989 Chief artist of CAM Smolensk Vladimir Popov of the Russian Federation.

2004 Elected to the Board of the Smolensk organization of the Union of artists of Russia .


C 1965, the participant of regional art exhibitions, national exhibitions (Chisinau - 1966, 1967, 1970, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 gg.),

all-Union watercolor (1980, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1990 gg.),

zonal (VI - 1985, Kostroma; VII - 1990, Vladimir; VIII - 1997, Moscow).

1966 III vsesouznaya exhibition of prints , Baku.

All-Union youth exhibition, Moscow.

1967 the Art of Moldova in Montreal (EXPO 67).

All-Union exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Soviet power, Moscow.

1968 all-Union exhibition "50 let VLKSM", Moscow.

1969 Group exhibition in the magazine "Yunost", Moscow.

All-Union exhibition dedicated to 100 anniversary of Lenin's birth, Moscow.

Exhibition of works of artists of Moldova at VDNKH, Moscow.

1971 Republican exhibition "XXIV Congress of the CPSU", Kiev.

Young artists on VDNH, Moscow.

1972 Republican exhibition "the 50th anniversary of the USSR", Kyiv.

Republican exhibition "Artists of Ukraine", Moscow.

1975 Personal exhibition in the newspaper "Soviet culture", Moscow.

1977 all-Union exhibition "Always on the alert". Moscow.

1979 IV all-Union exhibition "Physical culture and sport in fine art", Moscow.

1983 III all-Russian exhibition "drawing and watercolor", St. Petersburg, Russia.

1985 Group exhibition "the Arctic-85", Moscow.

1986 first Republican exhibition of easel graphics. Moscow.

1991 inter-Republican exhibition "Monuments of the Fatherland in the works of artists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus", in Smolensk, Minsk.

1993 Personal exhibition, Smolensk.

1995 Exhibition of Smolensk artists in the city of Hagen (Germany).

1997 national exhibition . dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Moscow, Moscow.

VIII regional exhibition "Artists of Central regions of Russia". Moscow.

1998 Group exhibition "Teacher and pupils", the town of Gagarin.

Exhibition of Smolensk artists in the city of Safonovo.

Regional exhibition "Time. People. Space.", G. Gagarin.

1999 all-Russian exhibition "Russia", Moscow.

Exhibition of Smolensk artists in the administration of the Smolensk region, Smolensk.

1999 all-Russian exhibition "Boldino autumn",Moscow.

2000 international exhibition of Smolensk artists in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus).

2001 Overseas exhibition of Smolensk artists in Vitebsk ( Republic of Belarus).

2002 international exhibition " Watercolor siabryna ", Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus).

2003 Regional exhibition "Artists of Central regions of Russia", Lipetsk.

Mobile exhibition of Russian Academy of arts, in Smolensk, Moscow.

All-Russia exhibition "Heritage", Voronezh.

Overseas exhibition of Smolensk artists in Orsha

(Republic Of Belarus).

Personal art exhibition, Smolensk.

2005 international exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory in Moscow.

The artist's works are stored in the Smolensk Museum, in the museums of the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Dushanbe, Chisinau, Pavlodar, Roslavl (Smolensk oblast), Gagarin (Smolensk oblast), are in private collections in Russia, USA, Australia, England, Mexico, Canada, France, Israel, Hungary, Poland, China, and Germany.

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