Fedorovich Morozov

Russia • born in 1938

Biography and information

The winner of the award "crystal Turandot" for the best scenography of the theatrical season 1995/ 1996 - the play "Queen of spades" staged by P. N. Fomenko Theatre. EVG. Vakhtangov. In 1962 graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute.

From 1962 to 1991, working as an art Director in the literary and dramatic version of the DH participated in the creation of over 150 TV plays. Worked with leading Directors of Moscow, such as: A. Efros, R. Viktyuk, P. Fomenko, M. Kazakov, B. frost, and others .

Since 1992 lecturer of scenography in the RATI (GITIS), Professor, Deputy head of the Department of scenography.

Since 1995 works as a set designer in theatres such as: theatre. VL. Mayakovsky theatre. Vakhtangov theater on Malaya Bronnaya theatre. Yermolova. He worked as a painter in Austria, Czech Republic, France, Belgium.

1998 senior designer of the TV Culture.

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