Artist-application engineer, master of art glass,graph.
Honored art worker of the Republic of Belarus (1990)
Member of the Union of artists of the USSR (1964)
Vladimir Semenovich Murachver was born on 5 Dec 1931
in the city of Anan'ev of Odessa region (Ukraine).
The artist's parents worked as teachers in the high school.The father in the first days of the war volunteer went to the front of the fighter battalion in the battle of Odessa he went missing.Mom grandfather and grandmother, with four children and together with the orphanage where she worked, moved to the East. First appeared in the North Caucasus, then in Tashkent.
Finished 7 classes of school, he entered the Tashkent art school
name P. D. Berkova and in 1952 graduated.
In 1959 he graduated from the Leningrad higher art-industrial school im.In.And. Mukhina in the specialty,Art pottery and art glass processing",student of B. A. Smirnov.
After graduation was sent to work at the glassworks "Neman" (Berezovka settlement,Grodno region) as an artist.
From 1959 to 2000 he worked at glassworks "Neman" along with his wife,
Lyudmila Mikhailovna markovoj, the chief artist of the plant.
Thanks to their efforts, had a great collective of artists plant-V. zhokhov,V. Zelinskaya,K. Vaks,S., Raudvee.Later to them prisoedinilis.Malysheva,O. Sazykina,A. Anishchik,M. Puukka,Sidorevich,
V. Samokhvalov.
The factory "Neman" became the basis for architectral and artists from across the country,where they performed their original works,stained glass and light composition.
Vladimir Murachver belonged to the pleiad of artists,reformers,
come to the art in 60-years and made a great contribution to the development of a new
domestic style glass.
During the work the company has created more than thousands of glass products,
a large number of which have been in mass production and
available now.
In addition to its direct work on a new range of products, engaged in public work.
Was the organizer and coach of the volleyball team of the glassworks "Neman".
He was the initiator and head of children's Studio of fine art.
The work of a talented artist successfully demonstrated and continue to be on display in museums, at numerous international exhibitions,
trade fairs (Moscow'60, Berlin'61, Paris'64, London'71, Vilnius'71, Prague'75,hotel'75, düsseldorf'77, panevėžys'82, Finland'84, Denmark'90, Hamburg'91 and others).
Some works of Vladimir Murachver dedicated to the Jewish people.
The exhibition in the Museum of history and culture of Jews of Belarus were exposed
the work of the "Janusz Korczak", "Mikhoels - King Lear", "Exodus".
In his works there is a raw nerve. From them comes good, light energy. These works are fun and at the same time sad.
Vladimir Semenovich wrote about it:
"The main thing in my life that I wanted to say that hurts and is always with me,
in these three works...".
Some awards artist Vladimir Murachver:
1963 – 1977 – Four Silver medals,
1983 – gold medal
1990 – Silver medal of the USSR Academy of arts,
The honorary title "Honored art worker of the Byelorussian SSR"
2000 – medal in honor of the 2000 anniversary of Christianity
2001 – Honorary badge of the Union of artists.
Murachver in collections:
The national art Museum of Belarus
Grodno historical and archaeological Museum
The historical Museum in Smolensk,
The Museum of applied arts in St. Petersburg,
The Museum-estate Kuskovo,
The Russian Museum in St. Petersburg,
The glass Museum in Denmark
in private collections of Ukraine, Germany, USA and Poland.
To the 85th anniversary of the artist at Leeds history-art Museum(Grodno region) hosted a "Memorial workshop of Vladimir Murachver",which presents paintings,graphics,glass and personal belongings of the artist.
Vladimir Semenovich died on 2 January 2017.
About Vladimir Muravera.
Video- "the 85th anniversary of Vladimir Murachver"