Yurevich Negodaev

Russia • born in 1965

Biography and information

To paint Yuri Negodaev started in Ust-Kamennogorsk in the early 1990s. the Path of creative pursuit was delayed until 1997 when Negodaev chose the visual method, which is called fantastic realism. The artist accepts the world as an object of copying, and creates some artistic and poetic reality, guided by their ideas of a better world. Each song is perceived as a living part of the world. His work is born as a result of a purely positive Outlook. Figurative forms childishly naive. the world presents a fantastic and fabulous. People, animals and plants live in it all together. Motifs of large flowers reflect the beauty of the world. The themes of many dreams are associated with the theme of human flight, a spiritual liberation, they are reminiscent of the stories of Marc Chagall, but instead of the Eiffel tower appears in the tree of knowledge. Here, everything is equal: good animals, heavenly bodies, birds and people. Unreal world has moved slowly, according to its laws, it is a mystery and celebration. The artist retains a deep conviction that the world was originally perfect and good.