Arkadevich Plastov

Russia • 1930−XXI century

Biography and information

Nikolay Arkadievich Layers (21 Jan 1930 — 25 August 2000) — Soviet and Russian artist, artist, master of genre scenes, landscapes and portraits. The son of a famous artist Arkady Plastov. Consisted of the Union of artists of Russia and Academy of arts, was awarded the title of Honored artist of Russia.

Features of the artist PlastovIn many respects, adopting his father's views on the world and the techniques of painting, Strata was able to find your own style. Growing up in a small village in the Ulyanovsk region, Nikolai from childhood was surrounded by the unique views of Russian nature and ordinary people their daily sorrows and joys. Deep knowledge of the topic, understanding of the lifestyle of the village allowed the artist to create unusual, imbued with the warm light and love pictures that not just show the audience a domestic moment. Plastov paintings is an invitation to leisurely meditation on the meaning of life and the elements that combine to create this meaning.

Famous paintings of Nikolai Plastov: "Current", "Tillers", "Alex Malikov", "field", "Spring night", "Plowman", "Mowers", "Dr.".

About as typical portraits of the surrounding world

The first lessons of fine art Nicholas received from his father Arkady. Beautiful nature and interesting people around the family Formation, contributed to the development of the boy's interest to the outside world and to transfer his impressions to canvas. After finishing school the young man entered the art Institute named after Surikov in Moscow where he studied painting in the workshop Mochalskogo.

Working on another landscape or portrait composition, Layers absorb the full flavor of his native land: he has seen the artist passed through itself, and then display their feelings and emotions on the canvas. Frequent communication with the villagers and friends of father Nicholas allowed a deeper understanding of the features of peasant life — which is why his paintings are so full of multivalued images. Overall pictures Plastov has a special energy — bouncy, positive and sometimes childishly enthusiastic. His canvases are a kind of pictorial "snapshot", depicting the uniqueness of the landscape or expressed on the face of the feelings that the artist creates through subtle game of colors, light and shadow.

The special style of the works of Nicholas were spotted when he was 21 years: in 1951, the young artist Layers the first time participated in an art exhibition. Later his works were exhibited at various exhibitions, both regional and national. In addition to artistic activities, Nicolai Layers was also involved in the restoration of monuments: his participation in the reconstruction works of the temple in the village of prislonikha, Christ the Savior Cathedral, Iversky gate, etc.