Pavlovna Radimova

Russia • 1916−2000

1916, Ryazan province – 2000, Moscow). Honored worker of culture of Russia, member of Moscow Union of artists (member of the Union of artists of the USSR). Daughter of the famous artist Paul Radimov, the last Chairman of the Peredvizhniki group. He studied at MGHI them. V. I. Surikov to 1941 Worked in Moscow. Participant of exhibitions since 1934 Permanent Exhibitor of the Moscow, regional, Republican and all-Union art exhibitions. From his father inherited the talent of landscape painter. The main theme of creativity - landscapes of the Russian province, Abramtsevo studies. He wrote poems. The author of the book about his father the artist P. Radimov. Works of the artist are in the Tretyakov gallery, in many regional museums.

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Ogaryov places. Chertkovo
Ogaryov places. Chertkovo
1982, 26.5×60.5 cm
1979, 28×25.5 cm
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Tatyana Pavlovna Radimova. Ogaryov places. Chertkovo
ha aggiunto l'opera Flowers Tatyana Pavlovna Radimova alla collezione 2024
Tatyana Pavlovna Radimova. Flowers
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