Vladimirovich Radoman

Russia • 1921−1992

Biography and information

Painter, muralist, honored. worker of arts of RSFSR. Graduated From Moscow. hood. in-t (1948), a student of I. Grabar, P. Pokarzhevsky, A. Deineka. Lived and worked in Moscow. In 1947-52 he taught at the MIPIDI. Participant of exhibitions since 1945. Paintings by the well.-D. station in Kharkiv, metro station "Kiev" and the Center. home aviation them.Frunze in Moscow. Thematic paintings, portraits "the Portrait of actress L. B. from sleep" (1946), "the Proclamation of Soviet power. The performance of VI Lenin at the Second Congress of the Soviets" (1960), "Children on the roof" (1963), "portrait in the interior" (1965), "Rider" (1983), "Sergei Yesenin" (1984), "the Sculptor M. I. a Swallow in the workshop" (1986), etc.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

(1921, Rusyn, Byelorussian SSR – 1992, Moscow).

Honored artist of the RSFSR. Painter, muralist, virtuoso of realism. In 1948, brilliantly graduated from the art Institute. V. I. Surikov. He studied under I. Grabar, P. Pokarzhevsky, V. Tabor - at the faculty of painting, then in A. Deineka - the faculty of monumental painting. 1947-1952 at the invitation of A. Deineka taught at the MIPIDI. 1945 – participant of exhibitions.

Known for the monumental paintings of the Kharkiv railway station, metro station "Kiev", the Museum of aviation and cosmonautics, GITIS, etc., multi-image mural for the Soviet pavilions at International exhibitions in Beijing and Leipzig.

Performed government contracts on historical and revolutionary paintings, portraits of statesmen, military leaders. Created a gallery of images of the creative intelligentsia. Master portrait - wrote "the canvas", without a preliminary outline. He also worked in the genre of landscape and still life.

Personal exhibitions took place in Moscow in 1968, 1978, 1980 and 2004 - in HMI of the East. Works are kept in many museums of Russia and abroad, including in the state Tretyakov gallery, state historical Museum, Museum of Uzbekistan, TSM world war II.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)