Alexandrovich Silver

Russia • 1907−1979

Biography and information

1907 was Born in the town of Gorodnya, Chernigov province.

1927-1931 Training later - the Institute of proletarian fine art in Leningrad in M. P. bobyshov, A. A. Rylov, and V. E. Savinsky.

From 1925 he participated in art exhibitions.

1931-1934 he Worked as a graphic designer and theatre artist. Since 1947, a corresponding member of the General Academy of arts.

1948-1979 Taught at the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin.

From 1949 Professor, led a personal workshop. 1966 he was Awarded the Silver medal of Academy of arts for a portrait of Shostakovich.

Since 1977 people's artist of the USSR.

1979 Died in Leningrad.

[R. 12(25).4.1907, Gorodnya, now Chernihiv region], a Soviet painter, people's artist of the RSFSR (1965), corresponding member AH the USSR (1947). Member of the CPSU since 1943. He studied at the Leningrad Vhuteine - Institute of proletarian fine art (1927-31) at V. E. Savinsky, A. A. Rylov, M. P. bobyshov. Chairman of the Leningrad branch of the Union of owls. artists (1948-52 and 1954-58). He teaches at the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin in Leningrad (1948-51 and since 1954; Professor from 1949). Works mainly in historical-revolutionary and portrait genres; using simple compositional techniques, Pp. creates sublime and yet life-specific images of owls. the people, the workers and warriors ["the Partisans-Lesgafta" (1942), "the Concert of the Leningrad Philharmonic" (1957) - both in the Russian Museum in Leningrad; portrait of D. Shostakovich (wax tempera, 1964, the Tretyakov gallery; see Fig.)].

Lit.: A. Kaganovich, I. Silver, M., 1955.