Olegovna Tolstaya

Russia • born in 1954

Biography and information

Born in 1954 in Moscow, Vladimir In 1966 -72. - study in mshsh. 1979 - Graduated from Moscow GOV't. khudozh. - industrial University. S. G. Stroganov, Department of monumental-decorative painting, workshop of G. M. Korzhev - Member of the USSR Union (section of painting) since 1983 Is member of the International arts Fund since 1993. Since 1981 a permanent participant of Moscow, youth, personal, foreign (Finland, Italy, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, USA, Singapore) exhibitions. Works are in State Tretyakov gallery, Yaroslavl and Kemerovo art Museum, private collections in Russia, Italy, Finland, Norway, USA, Germany, Switzerland.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)