Petrovich Fateev

Russia • 1891−1971

Biography and information

Was born in Moscow. He studied at the Art Studio of F. I. Rerberg (1915-1917). Participated in exhibitions: "Moscow youth", "science Fiction and neo-realists" (1916), "Jack of diamonds", "Pearl sunshine" (1917). In 1918 he participated in two exhibitions of the Union of painters in Moscow, and in 1919 - the 1st exhibition of Moscow state storage of works of modern art and at the 8th Public exhibition (paintings without a jury). In 1922 he held a solo exhibition of works by Fateeva, Moscow (110 pictures) and in 1923 - "Exhibition of five" in the Museum of fine arts (now the Pushkin Museum to them. Pushkin), which became the beginning of the creation of the group "Amaravella". Until 1966, the communication with the audience is interrupted. In the last years of his life was organized several exhibitions at various institutions, as well as the Pulkovo Observatory and the editorial Board of the journal "Tekhnika-molodezhi". At the Polytechnic Museum held a posthumous exhibition of the artist (Moscow, 1971).

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