

Biography and information

Ker-Xavier Roussel (FR. Ker-Xavier Roussel, 10 Dec 1867, lorry-Les-Metz – June 5, 1944, ETANG-La-Ville) is a French artist-symbolist, member of the artistic group "Nabi"the teacher of a private Academy Ranson.

Features of the artist ker-Xavier Russelia: mythological and allegorical scenes of nymphs and satyrs, Greek gods and heroes are the most frequent subjects of paintings and decorative panels that Roussel wrote for the Palace of Nations, the French theatres, for Wintercourse art Museum in Switzerland and private apartments and villas. Classical themes and traditional silhouettes of the heroes of the Roussel writes as a true Nabi: flat with bright spots of saturated colors, with sharp shadow and decorative elements. Scenes of modern life, gardens and parks, women's figures at Russelia largely inspired by the aesthetic of Japanese prints: the deliberate lack of depth and volume, color patterns on dresses, simple shapes, pure colors.

Famous works of ker-Xavier Russelia: "The conversation", "Peasant women in their Sunday dresses", "Satyrs in a landscape", "Women's meetings", "Rest Of Diana", "Triumph Of Bacchus".