Fedorovich Shemyakin

Russia • 1875−1944

Biography and information

He studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. His favorite teacher was V. A. Serov, who was also sympathetic to the budding student. Shortly after graduating from College (1900) the artist's name becomes known to the lovers of portraiture. Among his works occupy a special place image domestic and Czech musicians ("Portrait of the singer N.In. The Salina", 1905; "Portrait of Professor P. A. Minakov", 1906; "Czech violinist F. Ondrick", 1909; "Tchaikovsky's Trio", 1916; "portrait of the pianist N.B. Balk", 1927; "the Portrait of pianist Professor L. V. Nikolaev," 1943) and figures of Russian science ("Portrait of Professor P. A. Minakov", 1907; "the Portrait of physicist P. N. Lebedev", 1917; "Portrait of academician N. D. Zelinsky", 1940; "portrait of the academician V. P. Filatov", 1943).


In 1913 a lot of the time the artist devotes to teaching. He works at the school of academician of painting of S. Yu. Zhukovsky, at the Stroganov school. In Soviet times, Mikhail Shemyakin Professor of the Higher art and technical studios and the Moscow art Institute (now the Surikov).


Well-known artist I. Grabar wrote about him: "...in his person the art got a new interesting master portrait, professional artist. Portraits of Mikhail F. Shemyakin was always well-drawn, well-fashioned and the evidence strongly characterized. They are distinguished by the extraordinary breadth of the letter, courage stroke and generalized forms."

In greater detail, and accurately described the art of Shemyakin Czech art critic Vratislav Friedl: "In his paintings a lot of grace, rhythm and subtlety, your style... he always wants to understand and to pass at least a few bold strokes the character and soul of a man, grasps often, mostly, a smile, a gesture, a look associated with the inner world of the portrayed person...".

Repin to the endowment the dedication in one of the photos was written: "a Fiery artist, the true temperament..." Such an interesting talent assessment were addressed to Mikhail Feodorovich Shemyakin, a portrait painter whose life was imbued with a genuine passion and burning.

He was born and died in Moscow.

Today the name of the artist Mikhail Feodorovich Shemyakin not at the hearing, his work is little known to the audience. Meanwhile his works are kept in many museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.