Davidovich Shterenberg

Russia • born in 1931

Biography and information

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born December 29, 1931 in Moscow.

He graduated from the Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov in 1958

In any Assembly work

Works are in the museums of the cities of Kargopol and Tiksi

Art Fund of Russia,

private collections in Russia, France, Austria, Japan and Denmark.

Participation in exhibitions and auctions

1984 Group exhibition. Ul. Vavilova 65, Moscow;

1990 Perestroik art year 5. Gallery L ' orangeraie, September Paul de Vence, France;

1991-93 Annual exhibition gallery "Art Nouveau". Moscow.

The author about himself

Born into a family of artists. Father Schr David Petrovich and mother Granavtseva Maria were excellent painters (their work are in the collections of the State Tretyakov gallery and the State Russian Museum).

Upon graduation in 1958, over 20 years working on contracts in the publishing house "Detskaya literature", where mainly illustrated books for older children. In those years it required a realistic spatial image. In 1967 he joined the Union of artists of the USSR in the section graphics. In the same year he started again to paint and a few years later (in 1975) moved to the painting section, since participated in exhibitions only for painting. Getting started in painting was in the spirit of expressionism, as a reaction to a withering my work in books for older children.

It was like I broke free, but did not last long. Although work in the majority and later was made "for himself" and "disinterested", the tasks I was put in front of him, demanding for a coherent statement of aesthetic thought of another approach.

In parallel, several themes were. Among them are two main themes. One or a combination of two illusions: how to bump into real-dimensional art (paintings from the series "Mannequins", "Roof"). The other, which was then the main use of illusion in the same row of media-materials as color, line, plane, texture, colorful layer. It all started with a series of "Street", where for me it was important to create a sense of presence. Work began to grow in size (up to 180h240) barely fit in my small workshop. Then, in the same subject were written three "military" film.

"Presence effect" makes some demands. One of them is exactly the selected size of the picture, so the reproductions of these works the effect is somewhat leveled. Another necessary condition "coherent statement" (for me, of course) - to remove traces of the plane of the picture. Brushstroke, a "gesture" of the artist's hand, talking about his temperament, but rather about him, about his relationship to the event, began to interfere with the very "coherent statement" (event is not so much a plot as objects such as figure or the area around it). Work on the painting now takes a very long time (in year 2-4 of the picture).

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