Alekseevich Shchuko

Russia • 1878−1939

Biography and information

Student of the Academy of arts from 1896, 2 Nov 1904 – the title of artist-architect for the project: "Palace of the Governor of His Imperial Majesty in the far East". Pensioner of the Academy of arts from 1905 24 Oct 1911 – the title of academician. Member of the Imperial Academy of arts from 1914 Builder of the Russian art pavilion at the world exhibition in Rome (1911).


[5(17).7. 1878, Tambov, — 18.1.1939, Moscow], Soviet architect and stage designer. He studied at St. Petersburg Academy of arts (1896-1904) L. N. Benoit. Since 1911, the academician of architecture. Best production. S are characterized by creative implementation of the principles of classical architecture and the search for a simple concise form, are organically linked with new types of societies. buildings with new equipment. In pre-revolutionary years, they built a house on Kirov (b. Kamennoostrovsky) Avenue No. 63-65 in Leningrad (1908-11), the Russian pavilion at the International exhibition in Rome (1911). Major works of the Soviet period, created in collaboration with V. G. Gelfreich, the Propylaea-the entrance to the Smolny Institute (1923-25), the architectural part of the monument to V. I. Lenin at the Finland station in Leningrad (1926, see Fig.); Drama theater. M. Gorky in Rostov-on-don (1930-35, see Fig.); the new building of the Library of the USSR named after V. I. Lenin (1928-40), the Bolshoy Kamenny bridge (1936-38, with the participation of M. A. Minkus), the main pavilion of the all-Union agricultural exhibition (1939) — all in Moscow; the government Building of the Abkhazian Autonomous Soviet socialist Republic in Sukhum (1932-39); a viaduct in Sochi (1936-37, with co-authors, see ill.). Acted as a theater artist [sketches of scenery and costumes for "Ancient theater" in St. Petersburg (1907), theaters (1919-32), for the staging of "Boris Godunov" at the Moscow Maly theatre, 1937, etc.] as well as a talented draftsman and watercolorist (Album V. A. Shchuko. Drawings and watercolors, M., 1940).

Lit.: Minkus M., Vladimir A. Shchuko, "Architecture of the USSR", 1939, № 1; Kaufman S. A., Vladimir A. Shchuko, M., 1946.