Dementievich Kamezhenkov

Russia • 1760−1819

Painter, portraitist, member of the Academy. painting (1794). B. in Tver in the family of serfs (freestyle received in 1786 by the decree of Catherine 11), studied at Tver. painter D. Kryzhova and St. Petersburg. Professor G. Kozlova, lived and worked in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kashin. Save. K. 10 paintings, including "Portrait of I. P. Groot" (1788, VOL., S.-Petersburg), "the View of the city of Kashin" (1798), "portrait of an unknown man in a purple robe" (1790, TG., Moscow), Tver. . art gallery - "Portrait of the artist's daughter with a babysitter" (1808). K. died in the village of Sablino (now Kashin district). Lit.: The growth of E., On the beach Ermolai dementievich the Kamezhenkova, in kN.: Materials on Russian art, Leningrad, 1928; Zhuravlev N. In. Katz, L. I., Materials on the castle artist E. D. Kamezhenkov. reports of the Institute of art history, Moscow, 1960 , N 13-14.

Was a serf of the Tver Bishop's house, he studied icon-painting skills from D. Kryzhova (1772-1777). Further demonstrate the ability of the young man was sent to St. Petersburg, where he continued his studies at the school, I. Kozlov, in which a young kamezhenkov stayed for about three years. His work somehow met Catherine II, on behalf of which the artist made a series of copies of paintings from the Hermitage collection. Apparently, performed like the Empress, because in 1785 she released her decree about the release of E. D. Kamezhenkova from bondage. By this time the name of the artist was well known in St. Petersburg — he played high-quality portraits, which felt some impact of D. G. Levitsky.

Ed kamezhenkov visited the military service (1791-1793), lived in St. Petersburg, in Moscow, in the city of Kashin and last years in the village of Sablino Tver province. Painted many portraits, working on orders. Academy of arts appreciated the talent and skill of the painter: in 1787, for "Portrait of a young man" ed kamezhenkov received the title of "appointed" in academics, in 1794 he was awarded the title of academician for "Portrait of honorary member of the Academy of arts of I. F. Grotto". The works of the painter are stored in the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov gallery, the art gallery of Tver. As academician, ed kamezhenkov had pupils, some of them became well-known painters.

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