Alexandrovich Plushar

Russia • 1809−1880

brother Adolf A. Pluchart, who was born in 1810; he studied painting in France (Hersant), in Italy and in Munich; in the last he spent at the Academy from 1828 to 1832, Arriving in 1832 in Petersburg, P. quickly acquired a recognition here. In 1836 he was recognized as "designated in academics" and the following year he was given the program for the title of academician: "generational portrait of K. N. Briullov," but when the portrait was painted, the Academy Board decided "to defer judgement about the work, giving him the will to give it more of a report in the execution and re-present to the Academy." Then, in 1839, G. P. submitted a different program: "portrait of the composer and the first Russian Emperor performer Carl Lipinski, who was recognized as an academician. In the 1840s he participated in the painting of St. Isaac's Cathedral; in the 1850s the city had a photo in St. Petersburg, but in 1862, when there was a discussion about the correction of his paintings in St. Isaac's Cathedral, damaged by damp, he was no longer in Russia while he lived, he was also in 1865 From the work of Pluchart, besides those mentioned, are known: "portrait of a girl in Bavarian costume of polanki", portraits: Mrs. Back, Mrs. Lacroa, Gibaldi, Casanare, Lately, Moneron, Muralto, count A. F. Orlov, height, count of Sens, Roman women Onality, two women in national costumes, paintings: "Roman scene" and "odalisque" portraits: Mrs. Varlet Ladislaus, the city center, Strukova, tyroleans, picture: "don-Juan, enthralling Carlino", "Italian kid", "the Sacrifice of Isaac," for Isaac Cathedral; the "Blessing of Jacob's children," there; "the appearance of God to Moses in the burning Bush", there; "Isaac Blessing Jacob" there; "a Wonderful feast from five loaves and two fish", there; "the Salvation of Moses from the waters of the Nile", to the same; "Moses before Pharaoh" to the same; "Sleeping girl"; eleven images of the Church in Tsarskoye Selo orphanage; the altarpiece in Church, in the estate of I. P. Pleshcheev, in Kharkiv province.; ten family portraits Demidovs, the portrait of Ms. Clementine, "Italian woman with tambourine", image Grand duchesses Maria, Elizabeth and Catherine Michailovna, sitting down in the boat, etc. {the Cumans}

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